AquaLink air temp sensor


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Jul 12, 2021
Longview, Tx
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
My air temp is always reading about 10 degrees lower than actual temp. I think I’ll just replace the sensor. I can’t seem to find a good video but it looks like a straight forward plug and play swap? Once I get the new one in there won’t be anything that has to be reset or calibrated?
Just ensure the wires go into that Green connector properly and hang the sensor where it is not in direct contact with anything or in direct sunlight.
My air temp is always reading about 10 degrees lower than actual temp. I think I’ll just replace the sensor. I can’t seem to find a good video but it looks like a straight forward plug and play swap? Once I get the new one in there won’t be anything that has to be reset or calibrated?
I am north of Atlanta, GA and have a similar issue. My pool is a little over 16k gal., plaster but I'm using chlorine. Air temp at night drops to low 40s sometimes, and my freeze protection was kicking on. A few weeks ago, I wrapped the air temp sensor in a small towel, stuffed it into a beer koozie, and then put it inside the control panel. This fixed my issue, every time I checked the air temp sensor after doing this, it was within 1 or 2 degrees of what the actual air temp was... until this morning. Air temp outside was 48, and my freeze protection was on. I went out, and as soon as I moved the air temp sensor, it turned the freeze protection off. I'm wondering if that sensor is just going bad. Did swapping out your sensor fix your problem? BTW, your name 6XSBChamps, which team?
I am north of Atlanta, GA and have a similar issue. My pool is a little over 16k gal., plaster but I'm using chlorine. Air temp at night drops to low 40s sometimes, and my freeze protection was kicking on. A few weeks ago, I wrapped the air temp sensor in a small towel, stuffed it into a beer koozie, and then put it inside the control panel. This fixed my issue, every time I checked the air temp sensor after doing this, it was within 1 or 2 degrees of what the actual air temp was... until this morning. Air temp outside was 48, and my freeze protection was on. I went out, and as soon as I moved the air temp sensor, it turned the freeze protection off. I'm wondering if that sensor is just going bad. Did swapping out your sensor fix your problem? BTW, your name 6XSBChamps, which team?
I haven’t put the new sensor in yet. Like you, I insulated the current one and it stabilized the temp. It still has a random day it’s off 10 degrees but has been better
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