Currently slamming. Suspect yellow algae.


Jul 26, 2021
Largo FL
When I noticed the algae this morning I turned the salt cell up to 100%. Put a bag of fresh and clear (I know I know) and brushed.
I had my hubby pick up chlorine on his way home from work.
I brought the ph down.
Ran a water test with the Taylor kit I bought from TFT
Turned off the sat cell.
Put in The required amount of chlorine and brushed again.
The water looks really good. But I know it’s lurking becuse puffs of it came off the deep end floor (I didn’t brush the deep end floor earlier due to time)

I have a question. The most daunting thing for me is the lights.
I have two lights. One in the spa. One in the pool. At what point should I try to remove them. And is it hard to do? How do you remove them when the CL levels are high. I would think being in the water to do that would be bad on the skin?

My neighbor has this same algae in his pool since last year and never gets rid of it. I dont think he tries to. Just dumps a jug of chlorine in once a week and calls it good.
I am determined not to let that happen to me.
I am bummed I even let it get this far. Life is crazy the last couple months and my mind and energy have not been taking care of things like I should.
Time to get back to a regimen and schedule.
Wish me luck.
My guess is that you have algae...I would do an Overnight Chlorine Loss Test. Link-->Overnight Chlorine Loss Test

If you fail the test, then it is time to SLAM the pool. Link-->SLAM Process

If you get to SLAM, then you should remove the lights and scrub behind them.

If you are at SLAM level FC or below, it is safe to get in the pool.

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Ok. Well here is my numbers and I am already slamming. I haven’t checked my CL yet since adding the chlorine.
I’ll be doing that soon and running the pump all night.
But I def have algae. And it came on fast. It sticks to the side of the walls and bottom of the floor and puffs when I brush it.


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Once you get this cleared up, join #teamrunhot.

1) it saves busy people
2) it saves lazy people.

I am grateful on both accounts :ROFLMAO:
So is the app not correct?
No, but we generally round up as needed as opposed to trying to split the results when referring to the FC/CYA Levels. So if a CYA appears to be 35, we just call it 40 which requires an FC SLAM level of 16.
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Hi. The pool math app says 14.
If I change the cya to a different number the pool math changes the slam number automatically.
So is the app not correct?
You put cya at 35 so really it should be 40 and slam 16. I'd hate to see it drag out for you
Oh. Nevermind. I see what your saying now. Round up to 10’s.
I struggle with the at home CYA test and mostly that is why I go to Leslie’s. When I need to buy supplies I let them run a test. And mostly ignore all their advice and do my own tests. I just want the cya number.
And I have some ordered from Amazon to bring it up a little. It just hasn’t arrived yet.
I struggle with the at home CYA test and mostly that is why I go to Leslie’s. When I need to buy supplies I let them run a test. And mostly ignore all their advice and do my own tests. I just want the cya number.
We understand, but do your best to resist that temptation. 9.5 times out of 10 their advice and overall chemistry discussions will leave you confused and second-guessing yourself. The CYA test is not an exact science and has a 10-15 ppm variance, but with practice you'll get a good routine down.

CYA Testing:
Proper lighting is critical for the CYA test, so you want to test for CYA outside on a bright sunny day. Use the mixing bottle to gently mix the required amounts of pool water and R-0013 reagent, let sit for 30 seconds, then gently mix again. Recommend standing outside with your back to the sun and the view tube in the shade of your body at waist level. Then, begin squirting the mixed solution into the skinny tube. Watch the black dot until it completely disappears. Once it disappears, record the CYA reading. To help the eyes and prevent staring at the dot, some people find it better to pour & view in stages. Pour some solution into the viewing tube, look away, then look back again for the dot. Repeat as necessary until you feel the dot is gone. After the first CYA test, you can pour the mixed solution from the skinny view tube back to the mixing bottle, gently shake, and do the same test a second, third, or fourth time to instill consistency in your technique, become more comfortable with the testing, and validate your own CYA reading. Finally, if you still doubt your own reading, have a friend do the test with you and compare results.
Many of us do best of 3. Or best of 5 when they don't agree. :ROFLMAO:

Reuse the sample as many times as you need, shaking it accordingly.
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Thanks for the advice on the CYA. I will give it a try.

I never listen to their advice. I buy salt and the random thing or two from them.
For the first year I tried to keep it as close to what the plaster mfg wanted and I had to go weekly to have paper test reports. Incase anything went wrong with the pebbletec. I was usually at their 80% test report.
I have NEVER gotten one of their 100% LOL.
I will not put their Dang expensive no phos in my pool.
Ok. Gonna hold FC AT 16 and brush brush brush today.
My water is crystal clear. I do not see any evidence of the puffy cloud of algae this morning. Walls and floor look good.
The chlorine seemed to mostly hold overnight.
(I say that becuse I didn’t test it after I added the 2 cups right before bed. So I don’t know what the actual number was.)
Combined chloramines are 0

So. I hold 16 today and tonight. And then tomorrow let it start coming back down and do the OCLT. ?
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Hold the slam and oclt at 16. Towards the end it takes little effort to maintain the FC. If you end too soon it takes alot of effort to start over in a few weeks.

It's the biggest failure of the pool store / service. They never clear the problem, only mask it or delay it so that it looks like a new problem next time. Well. It's not a failure for their bottom line, it's a cash cow. If only they knew that much to be consciously trying.
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Been checking water every two hours and adding chlorine. Needing about 2 to 3 cups. Doing as the test results and app tells me. Keeping FC at 16
It’s hot and full sun today.
Water still looking good.
No combined chloramines .
Sounds like an OCLT for tonight!!!
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So keep the FC at 16 till after sun goes down tonight.
(I gotta pop in it tonight after work to scrub the returns, lights and nooks and crannies down)
Run pool all night.
Re test in morning before sun hits the water.
Then if I want to be safe, do the MA levels? Incase that is what it was.

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