Struggling with pool open


Jul 17, 2019
Atlanta, GA
Hi all,

I opened my pool last week and it has green algae (33k galloon inground vinyl pool). I ignorantly decided to shock the pool a couple of times prior to testing the water, and it got a lot cleaner, but then I got 3 days of non-stop rain. Pool is clean of all debris, but still pretty green with algae. So I tested with my TFT-100 kit (2 yrs old), and got pretty much the same results as the picture below. So I decided to drain 1/3 of my water and refill in order to fix the CYA first and then move on to TA & PH. Once that was done, I tested and got high CYA again. So got a second opinion at the pool store, and CYA is at 133. Pretty disappointed to be honest and not sure what to do next. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Please post a full set of test results from your TF100. Consider getting a reagent refill set ordered.
We can’t see over 100, although it seems to have a value. You have to do a dilution test with half tap water and then multiply the 60 (?) by the 2 parts. Or times 3 if the 2X dilution still came up at 100 and you needed 2 parts tap water and one part CYA/pool mix.
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We can’t see over 100, although it seems to have a value. You have to do a dilution test with half tap water and then multiply the 60 (?) by the 2 parts. Or times 3 if the 2X dilution still came up at 100 and you needed 2 parts tap water and one part CYA/pool mix.
So using the TF-100 kit, instead of 100% pool water I would do 50% Pool / 50% tap?
Yes. If it’s a bit over 100 you will get a 50 or so reading which you then double to account for the tap water with 0. If you dilute it and still go over 100 then it’s 200+ and you need to keep adding equal parts tap water until you get less than 80. (y)
Yes. If it’s a bit over 100 you will get a 50 or so reading which you then double to account for the tap water with 0. If you dilute it and still go over 100 then it’s 200+ and you need to keep adding equal parts tap water until you get less than 80. (y)
Hey, thank you again for the reply. I tested with the half tap water half pool water as you suggested, and got a 60-65 reading, which puts me around 120-130. Is the only solution here draining water? or should I take other steps prior to doing so?
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and got a 60-65 reading
We round up to the next 10. So 61-69 is a 70, and double that for the dilution sample is 140. You will need to drain/exchange about 75% of your water
Is the only solution here draining water?
The only way to lower it is to drain or do a water exchange. Draining any pool has risks if the ground water table is high. Please see below. The no drain water exchange is listed in detail. Study it up and fire off any concerns. :)
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