Replacing a Variable speed pump with a single speed pump.

May 13, 2014
Berwyn, PA
My Variable speed pump failed yesterday and due to the current lack of availability of parts there is no VSP motor available for purchase in my area. I replaced my VS Flopro motor with a single speed motor. I re-wired the single speed pump into the control panel (Aqualink RS, new version as I just upgraded to iaqualink last year). The control wiring from the old VSP motor was removed. However, the new single speed pump does not turn on an off when I hit the filter pump button on the control panel. The control panel beeps and the light for the filter pump turn out but the pump keeps running. It seems that the only way to shut off the power is to turn off the breaker. Any ideas on how to get the control panel to recognize and energize/de-energize the pump.
The VS pump will be wired into the LINE side of the filter/pump relay. The SS pump needs to be wired to the LOAD side of the filter/pump relay.

Check where the pump connects in the Aqualink.

Post pics of the wiring in your AQualink if you need more help.
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