Replacement cell for Jandy Aquapure 1400

dndrich, I was going to order one of these to have on hand as I also have a 6 year old Jandy AP1400. I saw some reviews that were not so stellar on the generic replacement so I didn't pull the trigger yet. Glad you are having success with it. Any new issues to report from your most recent post or is all still good? Thanks in advance.
I am curious as well. Any updates?
Still working great! I have been using the new cell all season, and running my pool filter around 10 hours a day, 9 hours of which are on low, the free chlorine level is around 5 ppm in the pool. I am running the cell at 80%. So it is running like a champ, and seemingly as good as the original. In some ways it is better, since the housing is translucent and you can actually see it generate the chlorine. Pretty cool actually.

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You have a Jandy 1400 right? Did the existing sensor work and you just had to rewire the power connector?

There's a ton of bad BBB if you search and the forum is against it: Platinum Edition Replacement Salt Cell for Jandy AquaPure 3-Port 1400 | 40,000 Gallon

But, you are having good results... I'm happy for you :)
Yeah, I saw some of that, but my experience has been perfect. Quick shipping from Australia, and my existing sensor works just fine. For the DC power cable you just open the controller box, unplug the old one, and plug in the new one. Nothing to it. The whole installation took me like 15 minutes, and it has worked perfectly from the start. Yes, I have a Jandy Aquapure 1400. If I get a few seasons out of this, it will be worth it. Otherwise I would need ultimately to replace the whole kit and caboodle, which might run $1,000 or more depending on what I get. This system has been running well since 2007, other than the usual salt cell and sensor shenanigans we all deal with.
Why not take a shot given warranty and price when backed by Amex or equivalent. I’ll buy the same one and report my findings. Thanks!
That was my thought. This is less than half the price. The original cell is so expensive, and my equipment is old, so I figured I would give this a flyer. These cells seem pretty basic in construction, so what the heck. So far so good.
I just installed the CompuPool salt cell to replace my Jandy 1400 salt cell that died because of corroded power connections within the cell. Happy to report, the install was extremely easy as other have mentioned!

I did have a question if anyone is using the Jandy iAqualink automation with the CompuPool cell? The iAqualink app does not recognize the CompuPool Cell when I check status of the system or attempt to change AquaPure settings.

At the panel, everything looks good with no error codes. Shows good flow and producing chlorine, so I'm assuming the cell is working fine.

Anyone else having issues seeing the CompuPool cell within iAqualink?


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