Pool size help!

Hi! We are putting in an inground pool in 2 months. Deciding on size. Is 20 x 40 too big? We have the yard for it. If anyone can post pics of their 20 x 40 pool I’d greatly appreciate it!
thanks for the help!
I don’t think so. We just filled our new 20x50 Gothic Design, and my wife and I were just saying how we are glad we went big and wouldn’t want it any smaller. I think you go as big as you can...I haven’t ever heard someone wish they had built a smaller pool.
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Ours is 18 x 38. Make sure to take into consideration freeform vs. rectangular when reading people's pool sizes. A freeform 18 x 38 pool is about 15% smaller than an rectangular 18 x 38. 20 x 40 is not too big. Big yes, but great for groups. Here's a few picture of ours. If you have kids and they are on sports teams or in other groups, it would be a fantastic size.

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20x40 is not too big, IMO. It’s a good size for play, laps, and floating.

Ours is a “Grecian Lazy L”. 40ft long, deep end 18.5ft wide, and shallow end 22ft wide. Depth goes from 3.5ft to 5.5ft. We definitely wouldn’t want to go smaller (just the two of us, few friends over on occasion).

Part of pool sizing is regional/cultural. Although everything's bigger in Texas I hear, pool sizes there, as with CA, FL and AZ, are smaller on average than in the Midwest, Mid Atlantic or Northeast for example. It's just based on the most common lot sizes in the respective areas. Next I would recommend someone from Texas show us your 70K gallon pool just because (and it must have a star in it). And a spool from Ohio. :stirpot:
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Thank you!! Would love to see a picture of your pool! For size purposes.
here are pics, the last one is from google maps so you can see our pool in relation to the rest of the yard. Yards are small in DFW. Our yard is one of the larger ones in our neighborhood. Free form is definitely smaller than rectangle, and the tanning ledge and spa take up space in our pool, probably would have done that differently :)


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I don’t think so. We just filled our new 20x50 Gothic Design, and my wife and I were just saying how we are glad we went big and wouldn’t want it any smaller. I think you go as big as you can...I haven’t ever heard someone wish they had built a smaller pool.
I’m just curious to see what a Gothic design pool looks like would love to see a photo!
Ahhh Gothic style are my FAV from an aesthetic standpoint! So gorgeous.

We did a 18x38 rectangle this past fall and I wish we went bigger - just because we have the yard and why not?
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