Skimming vs vacuuming


Active member
May 30, 2013
Central California
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
Hi all. I have following issue:
Does it make a big difference if water just skimming vs vacuuming and filtering?
I noticed that if i just purely skim, water is clearer as opposed as skimming and vacuuming.

I dont have dedicated line for vacuum. I do have a valve which directs water coming in through pump to either draw water from the top (skimmer) through bottom (drain) or half and half.

When i vacuum i place hose in skimmer. I leave valve half way so it will run vacuum and filter water through the drain. I find this option to cause water to get gray
The vacuuming must be stirring up debris on the bottom. I would guess you will see the water also cloud if you left it on skimmer and brushed the pool.

You only need to vacuum if there is actual debris on the bottom that needs to be sucked up.
Thanks. That makes sense. I was thinking that since when vacuuming less water is filtered as opposed to more water and more filtration when skimming. So the end result basically water not circulating enough hence getting cloudy with algae or something.

I have a leak on skimmer area . Would it be the same if i set valve to draw water through drain only to filter water? I will be gone for a eeek and wont be able to refill if needs it.
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