IG Pool remodel in Tempe AZ

Our backyard transformation continues with the Remodel of our yard.

Here is what it looked like to begin with.

Yesterday and today we had all the concrete and grass demod and removed.


Footers poured for our new fireplace and planter





Tomorrow they continue building the planter and fireplace.
Friday our new alumawood PERGOLA gets installed.
Next week they will wrap it up with our new 3 piece pavers and synthetic turf.

Will keep thread updated as progress continues.
That is a lot of hard work done! Glad it was not me LOL

What is the big pole/pipe? I bet they are loving having that back gate to go through. Short trip to the trucks.

The big pole was an actual streetlight, same thing that's used in city streets. As far as I'm aware we are the only people that have a city streetlight in our backyard. But now it's gone.

Another photo of it.
The rumor is the original owner of our home was afraid of the dark and worked for the city and had this installed. It worked great and would light up our entire backyard no problem. It was on our electric so we paid for it if we used it. It also had an outlet at the base which was nice as well. It also served as a great conversation piece. I will miss having it but it won't fit the decor of our new backyard remodel so we removed it. It came down with ease actually. Once the cement base was removed they just used a sawzall and cut it and held it and slowly brought it down. The pipe is still in the ground but will be covered up with pavers.

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Here is today's final progress.

They have a good chunk of the fireplace built and tomorrow they will wrap it up. This will be faced with real stacked stone and travertine, same with our new rose planter.




Fireplace was built to hide our pool equipment.
The big pole was an actual streetlight, same thing that's used in city streets. As far as I'm aware we are the only people that have a city streetlight in our backyard. But now it's gone.

Another photo of it.

Funny... back a few years ago when we were looking for a house, we saw a nice house with a weird object almost in center of the yard. It was a wooden power pole that was still in use by CA Edison. It was the weirdest thing. Apparently, they extended their rear yard fence line, but couldn't relocate a City power pole. That was a deal breaker for us, and probably 99% of the people who saw the house.

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