Cloudy Intex Pool with Balanced Water

Fralo, you do need to brush your pool every now and then... The more frequently, the better. Your filter can't clean your water properly if all the tiny debris is sitting on the bottom.
Since our pump is the one that came with our pool and not very big, we run our pump 24-7. We also brush our pool everyday and sometimes a couple of times a day. It is just my husband and I, so we don't do much splashing in the pool.
Thanks all for your continued advice. I just vacuumed my pool for the first time. I was surprised at how much dirt and leaves it was able to gather. I plan to do it again this afternoon. My water levels have been pretty good from the beginning so I wanted to see if the cloudiness, which had already began to clear, could be due to an excess amount of chemicals the beloved pool store thrust upon me in my ignorance; mostly a whole bag of calcium. I will probably give it until tomorrow morning. If no progress, then it will be time to SLAM.
If you have leaves in your pool, you need to get as many of them out as you can through mechanical means. Otherwise your chlorine will be used up trying to break down the leaves and won't be available to fight algae.

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Well I started my SLAM with in and off showers since last night. Now the sky is completely gray and there has been a slow drizzle for over an hour now.

Will it all be for nought? :(
Unless you are getting monsoon rains, the rain should have little effect on the pool. Just keep your FC at shock level regardless.
I know this is a tough question to really answer, but how clear must my pool be before I can think my SLAM is complete? Should I be striving for that crystal clear look, or is that not realistic? It is much clearer than it was and I can see the bottom pretty well. Although I still think it has a milky look. This is more noticeable when I clean my paper cartridge. The water around the cartridge does look milky.

So far I have been adding bleach to it every 3-4 hrs in order to reach my shock level up to 12, except for during the night obviously. I vacuum everyday and get less and less dirt each time, so that part is definitely going well.

Perhaps the milky look is a result of all the chemicals I added at the beginning, and is not something that a SLAM is not meant to address?
I know this is a tough question to really answer, but how clear must my pool be before I can think my SLAM is complete? Should I be striving for that crystal clear look, or is that not realistic? It is much clearer than it was and I can see the bottom pretty well. Although I still think it has a milky look. This is more noticeable when I clean my paper cartridge. The water around the cartridge does look milky.

So far I have been adding bleach to it every 3-4 hrs in order to reach my shock level up to 12, except for during the night obviously. I vacuum everyday and get less and less dirt each time, so that part is definitely going well.

Perhaps the milky look is a result of all the chemicals I added at the beginning, and is not something that a SLAM is not meant to address?
Do you lose less than 1ppm of FC overnight?

Is your CC level <0.5ppm?

Once both those answers are yes we can address the cloudy water.
Hi Dom. Last night it took 24 drops, so my FC level was 12 as I wanted it to be. This morning it took 22 to go absolutely clear, so my FC level was 11. It was still slightly pink on drop 21 but I guess the rule is when it goes COMPLETELY CLEAR. And it only took 1 drop to go clear after adding the R-0003 so CC must be less than .5.

I will try to get a picture this afternoon.

If the water is still cloudly/milky can you tell me what is the recommendation? So I can begin doing my own research.

Thanks for your willingness to help.

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