Worms? Maggots? Larvae?


Bronze Supporter
Dec 19, 2016
Raleigh, NC

My pool has been sparkling clean and perfect, but last night when I went to skim off the pool before a swim with the kiddos there was a lovely (sarcasm intended) pile of insects in one little curve of our pool. There were about 50 of them all appear to be dead. I scooped them out trying not to have a little hysteric fit as I did so. :taped: Then I declared the pool closed for the night and shocked the heck out of that pool!

I know that worms are organic matter and as far as sanitation purposes is likely the same, but the "ick" factor has be a little disgusted. Is there anything else that I should do/try/investigate? When I skimmed the pool this morning there were about 10 that accumulated in the same spot as last night, but that appeared to be it.

Help a girl out...strange bugs are hubby's domain, but he is in Mexico for work until Friday and these worm things have got to go! :gone:
Thank you for replying! I agree, I think I need to adjust that return. In hindsight, I sort of wish I asked the PB to add another return. Our pool is a free form shape and I think that makes it tricky to get the returns right with the 3 we have. I do use a hairnet in the skimmer basket and I am SO glad I learned that trick on here before our pool was done being built. I think it saved us a lot of headaches and filter cleanings so far! Just checked out the bug situation again and there weren't anymore in that corner, I did find a couple that must have sunk when I was scooping them out. Hopefully I can get those out in a bit. *Fingers crossed* that's the end of these creatures!
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