Why does pH keep going up?

May 24, 2017
Union, KY
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I am a new owner of a plaster pool. Previously, we had a vinyl pool, really basic, and I have been using the principles from TFP for years to keep that pool nicely balanced. I love the app!

In my current, new pool, my pH keeps going up to 8.0, 8.2. I keep having to add muriatic acid. I’m on my 3rd bottle already this season. I never had to add this much acid before. My alkalinity (TA) was 90. I recently added loads of muriatic acid to try to lower it, got pH to 7.1-7.2, TA went down to 70. Better. Just a few days later (and several swimmers), pH is back to 8.0. TA is 80 today.

In my new pool, we have 3 “water fall” water features coming from a side wall of the pool and 3 bubblers. (I never had water features in my previous pool.). I understand aeration can increase pH. Would aeration be the reason of constantly needing to add acid?

We leave our waterfalls on nearly all the time bc, unfortunately, one of our skimmers is tied to that same pump (we may try to change that in the future, but it is what it is now).

So, do I just need to get used to adding acid all the time having these water features? I am really hoping there’s another answer! I hate handing muriatic acid all the time.

TIA for your help! 🙏

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Would aeration be the reason of constantly needing to add acid?
I suspect that is indeed a large reason. The less aeration when not needed the better. You can continue to let the TA fall. Let it go as low as 50-60 and see how that works. But no lower than 50. That should help.