Which of the taylor tests are unreliable at high FC levels?


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2018
Usually like to balance the water right after opening before doing a SLAM (always have to SLAM 1x/year at opening) but had a miscommunication w/ my friend and pool got dosed w/ lots of liquid chlorine at opening so SLAM started before balancing (and too much used FC went up to 20) so just trying to raise what I can while the chlorine does it's thing and comes back down to better levels....got CYA up to 20 from 0.... I know some of the tests in the Taylor kit are not reliable when FC at SLAM levels and above. Is there a list of which tests are accurate at high FC levels? I know FC works fine but CC? pH? TA? will those be accurate?

Usually like to balance the water right after opening before doing a SLAM (always have to SLAM 1x/year at opening) but had a miscommunication w/ my friend and pool got dosed w/ lots of liquid chlorine at opening so SLAM started before balancing (and too much used FC went up to 20) so just trying to raise what I can while the chlorine does it's thing and comes back down to better levels....got CYA up to 20 from 0.... I know some of the tests in the Taylor kit are not reliable when FC at SLAM levels and above. Is there a list of which tests are accurate at high FC levels? I know FC works fine but CC? pH? TA? will those be accurate?

Only pH is unreliable when FC>10ppm.