WHAT THE HECK? TFP BBB not nice this year

SHort version- cover was torn and didn't get pool covered over winter- NEVER AGAIN will that happen.

I went from the nastiest-swampiest- green algae slime soup to a beautiful blue color in 15 hours. I was shocked and so excited!! Fast forward to a week and half later. Water is beautiful color BUT it is SOOO cloudy. My pump didn't work properly for the first 48 hours during the slam. ( I found and fixed an impeller clog thanks to TFP :) ). After getting that fixed and now (I think- I feel like pump is actually on a recirculate type cycle and not actually filtering. When clogged there was super low water return. Now, it is like a whirlpool jet coming out of return. I don't have a recirculate function tho. Maybe I just feel it isn't working because water is so cloudy. ?) I am actually filtering water- I still cant get chemistry right and know if I go to the money pit pool store - they'll mislead me and try and put $500 worth of chemicals in my basket.

Did SLAM for 4 days. Passed OCLT (now I have CC and TC) but H2o remained cloudy. Added FLOC (only used 5lbs when should have used 7 lbs.) These were my results Friday- made amendments and now these are results today. Please help- what would my TFP PRO's do to this water (even if it means having to put in something other than BBB- I'm ok with that as long as TFP Moderators tell me and not some 20 yr olds with no experience at a pool store. haha

FC= 0.5
pH- 8.0
CH-57ppm ( thought it would have raised after I added liquid calcium- apparently I didn't add enough :(
Alk.- 107
CYA- 20


I didn't add water- so, where dd my CYA go? I tested with the Taylor kit you suggested. I see I need to increase calcium hardness, get pH down, slam again bc my chlorine levels aren't staying
up enough to be killing everything (and, obviously it is working on something in pool still). How could I have passed the slam OCLT and still have these results later and water not clear? Ohhhhh, I don't have the time or energy for this right now. PLEASE GUIDE ME!!!!!

Thanks Michele
A CYA of under 30 is pretty hard to judge is one of the reasond why we recommend raising to at least 30 before a SLAM. I would think you'd need at least 50 -60 CYA there to minimize FC daiyl loss.
If you are not crystal clear and still passing the SLAM of less than 1-2 ppm FC loss in 24 hr time frame. I would maintain shock levels. Typically SLAM SHOCK FC ranges are 15-20 ppm. You're CYA is low. You're chlorine is very low. Chlorine loss is factored by three things. CYA stability, sun light exposure, and contaminates consuming free chlorine. Typically chlorine maintaining levels are 4-8 ppm depending on your CYA levels which you want to maintain between 30-50 ppm range. Start and hold CYA at 30 ppm. SLAM SHOCK pool again and observe chlorine loss in 24 time frame or OCLT. If OCLT passes, allow FC to fall to 4 - 8 ppm range.

I triple filter to clear any water clarity issues. Skimmer sock on skimmer basket, 10 micron cartridge filtration system. 5 micron Duda Diesel Bag clamped on 90 deg return jet. I use the 5 micron bag to mechanically polish the water clear and remove any contaminates the other filters are unable to trap.

Welded Industrial Filter Sock Bags Plastic Ring Flange Water Liquid Oil WVO Fuel | eBay
Thank you for the input! Got cya up to 50. Started slam all over. I still feel like my filter isn’t properly filtering. I put a sock over the return jet. After vacuuming to waste I backwashed 3 mins then rinsed for 2.5 mins . Started back on filter and the sock immediately had bugs and junk in it. The sand is from last year, but we checked it and it was fine (not hard, crusty, chunky or tunneled prior to startup. I had the same issue with things (particularly bugs that would come out of return jet ALIVE last year. We replaced ALL the laterals and sand then yet it still did same thing. I’ve been on chemo for 3 years now. This girl is worn out and irritable and the pool is already wearing me out!
I did cheat and use an actual shock this eve. ( I tested CYA a few hours after shock to make sure levels weren’t too high).
I can say that since my initial post yesterday- I am actually able to see the bottom of pool now. That was about 36 hours ago I think. I added calcium to increase the CH level. Continued to run filter on high 24/7 and continued adding daily bleach.
Hopefully this will be last SLAM and I’ll be on my way to the most beautful sparkly pool water I’m used to.

Thanks again!!!
Why are you adding calcium? You don’t need it in an above ground vinyl pool.
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