What is your preferred pool appropriate drinkware?

To those of you tempting fate by using glass (however old or unimportant) near your pool, I'll share this. A house guest at a ski chalet we rented once was by himself in the hot tub. He knew he shouldn't use a glass, and because of that he said he was being ultra careful. He broke a glass in spite of that and then spent at least an hour fishing out the shards, sure that he got them all. He decided he wasn't going to tell anyone, for fear of banishment. The next day we were all in the tub, and all lucked out, when my toe grazed a huge shard and I picked it up without injury before I even knew what it was. That could have gone down a whole lot worse, and ruined someone ski trip. He confessed. And was never invited again. And the whole tub had to be professionally emptied and cleaned. That was a hot tub, and a large broken piece. Imagine trying to clean tiny shards of broken glass out of a swimming pool!

I have a dedicated kitchen cabinet for pool-wear, all plastic. Frequent guests don't even have to ask what to use. First timers get pointed to the cabinet.

Anywho, I found these and they look "real" and work great. I hand wash them to keep them looking like new and crystal clear.

Wine carafe:
Wine/cocktail glasses:
Wine or juice:

The rest of the stuff: glasses, plates of all sizes, bowls, beer mugs, serving platters, etc, I bought at Walmart. I also have plastic wine stemware that looks pretty good. I think I got those at BB&B (which is going out of business and offering discounts). This is a good time of year to find a good selection of plastic wear at all the major home decor/improvement stores.
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