Want to get started but I am not sure where to begin

Jun 23, 2017
Pottstown, Pa
I purchased the recommended test kit. If anyone can direct me what I need to tackle first, I would appreciate it. I'm thinking I should slam my pool but not confident as I am new at this. Here are my test results.

FC = 12
CC = 1.5
CYA = 45 ( started at 160- have done multiple partial drain/refills over the last 3 weeks)
pH = 7.3
ALK = 110

Previous to my kit coming in the mail, Leslie's pool gave very similar results. For about a week my water was very light green and crystal clear. I had them test for copper and it came back at .6 ppm. I did one treatment with Natunral Chemisty Metal Free. It didn't do anything. I now realize my high chlorine probably just ate it up. Additionally, I definitely has other metal in the water as well. When I backwashed the pool, the water that was removed from the pool was absolutely rust colored. Found out the inside of the metal pool ladder that came with the pool was rusting on the inside. Ladder has been replaced. Pool store tested for iron and it came back 0. Most of my beautiful blue liner is now beige with some darker tan stains around the perimeter on the bottom of the pool. This can be dealt with at a later date. Not really too concerned about the stains. Sure I wish my pool was pretty blue again but more than that, I just want to be able to tell my kids they can swim. So do I start by slamming? or do I address some other issue first? Thanks for any feedback!
You are on the right path. Keep the SLAM level up daily and test each and every day. Have you read the SLAM procedure? With a CC of 1.5, you need to keep your levels at SLAM based on your CYA with pump on 24/7 until you pass all 3 criteria. Please make your liquid additions of chlorine each day to increase to the correct level.

Your PH could be lowered to 7.2, but 7.3 is fine. Everything else is fine. Only issue that needs to address is the SLAM.

Pool School - SLAM - Shock Level And Maintain

Your liner (how old is it) and are you the original owner of the pool? Liner's do fade over time, but most cases are from bleaching, not time.
Thank you for responding. The pool is 3 years old. When I opened it 3 and a half weeks ago, the liner was perfect. I am sure it was something I did. I read through the slam porcess several times. Getting ready to to go start the process now. I will keep up with maintaining the slam until it passes all three of the criteria. Ay idea on how many days it usually takes?

Think back 3.5 weeks ago. What exactly have you added to the pool? This is one of the reasons we do not recommend adding anything else (99.99%) of the time besides what we preach here on the forum.

Any idea on how many days it usually takes?

Every pool is different. This all depends on how early you catch the problem, what type of filtration system you have and how diligent you are about testing the water. There are to many variables. On average, the time could be about 7-10 days (some are less and some have lasted longer). Please keep track over everything. Post your results in this manner here daily:

PH (only test once before the SLAM and bring down to 7.2)
TA (only test in the beginning before SLAM)
CH (only test in the beginning before SLAM)
TC CC FC (Must test daily).

Before you start the whole process, please test the water and tell us how the water looks? A picture would be great. Thanks!
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