Using Dichlor + bleach method mostly successfully...but have some questions


Nov 8, 2021
Sacramento, ca
I'm thankful to this community for the information that helped me move to this method of spa sanitation. It really has been a million times better than the frog ease system that came with my bullfrog. However, I have a few clarification questions.

This is a 425 gallon Bullfrog R7L. New last August. Did a purge with Ahhsome when we got it and have done 2 since, the last one being about 6-8 weeks ago.

(1) When topping off my spa due to evaporation, does that reduce the borate level? I assume not. I do have kids, however, so there is also a splash factor. Thus, when adding water back to the spa, should I also be guessing at an amount of borate? For now, when using pool math, i've been estimating a 5% top off amount and then reducing the borate levels that much in the calculations. No idea if that's right.

(2) I have been having some issues with FC levels after 24hrs. Our typical bather load is 2 adults for 20-30min in the evening. I then put in liquid chlorine (10%) about 1/4-1/2c. The next morning levels are fine. However, by the next evening, frequently, the levels are near 1 or 0. Is this normal? I do have an ozonater and, based on another thread, there is a mineral stick in there as a 'safety' if levels drop to zero (I already had it when i switched to the new method). Anything one would change here? EDIT: sounds like the ozonoator is the issue. I'll just carry on unless anybody else has any input.

(3) what do people do when they go on vacation? A chlorine floater? EDIT: sounds like SLAM and/ or a floater?

(4) How often do you find you need to adjust the PH and/or alkalinity? I'm doing my first adjustment today after PH got to 7.8 and alkalinity to 75. It's been 6 weeks +. Every time I tested it before it was spot on.

Not really a Q but why are places like leslie's and even the test kid recommending levels so different than the Dichlor + bleach method? The latter appears to work so much better. However, when I sometimes go into Leslie's to get a CYA level, they look at me like I have 2 heads when I tell them my alkalinity of 55 is fine.

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Not really a Q but why are places like leslie's and even the test kid recommending levels so different than the Dichlor + bleach method? The latter appears to work so much better. However, when I sometimes go into Leslie's to get a CYA level, they look at me like I have 2 heads when I tell them my alkalinity of 55 is fine
Pool stores and manufacturers try to take your ok #s and make them okay-er. We say listen to your pool/spa and it will tell you where it wants to be. Any OK is equally fine. Making you be OK-er sells you stuff that starts the chemistry roller coaster and *gasp* makes you buy more supplies. :)

When topping off my spa due to evaporation, does that reduce the borate level?
Yes by an equal % of the fill water, which won't be noticeable short term but eventually adds up.
i've been estimating a 5% top off amount and then reducing the borate levels that much in the calculations. No idea if that's right
Essentially that's it. 5% probs isn't enough to even care. Maybe wait a few times and add 15- 20% when need be. Many don't even bother with borates as it's usually not needed.
have been having some issues with FC levels after 24hrs...........
EDIT: sounds like the ozonoator is the issue. I'll just carry on unless anybody else has any input.
Ozone and UV will eat FC and become the very thing they swore to destroy. They are still beneficial in a spa that's closed most of its life and rarely gets any UV / outgassing from the sun, but at a cost of less FC.
what do people do when they go on vacation? A chlorine floater? EDIT: sounds like SLAM and/ or a floater?
It's specific to their spa's daily needs when unused. You have to find that baseline and go from there. If you lose 1 FC a day to the ozone, then SLAM will probably get you a week. Or add a floater if more is needed towards the back half of the week.
How often do you find you need to adjust the PH and/or alkalinity? I'm doing my first adjustment today after PH got to 7.8 and alkalinity to 75. It's been 6 weeks +. Every time I tested it before it was spot on.
It's spa specific and can vary greatly. If you are getting 6 weeks, woo-hoo and don't question the universe. Be happy for your blessings and walk away. 😁 also, as I said above, 7.8 is still OK. Any 7.X is equally OK. It may last 6 more weeks at 7.8. At either end of the 7s, pay closer attention in case it moves further, but you're still good until it does.
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