Trouble Keep Chlorine

Jul 5, 2017
I have been having issues keeping Chlorine in the pool.

Back ground

In-ground Vinyl 19k gal with 18 month old SWG and Hayward 5030 Cartridge filter. 2nd owner. I do know previous owner used pucks and copper based algeacide.

What I have seen to date:

1. Last year my CYA test (Taylor 2006a kit) registered off the chart
2. Did 20% partial drains twice during season
3. Chlorine stayed in range 3 to 5 ppm all season with bi weekly adding 1 lbs calcium hypochlorite to "shock". Only used DryAcid/Soda Ash and Baking Soda all season to keep water in check.
4. Had to do 2 x 20% partial drains over the winter because previous owner went cheap on a mesh vs solid cover.
5. Opened pool and had no issues(except green hair) until adding ascorbic acid to remove stains. CYA still over 100. Chlorine dropped to 0 over night during treatment
6. Went to pool store. 1 ppm copper, Calcium low, high phosphates, "shock", more Metal Sequestrant. Bought what they sold me.
7. Nothing changed after removing phosphates except chlorine held a little longer.
8. Found this forum and poolmath so no longer trust pool store.
9. did a SLAM #1. FC to 35 held fine over night though had SWG on. Thought I was done. Maybe not
10. Added 40 ppm borates via Boric Acid
11. Pool held FC over night just fine in fact it rises due SWG (5 to 6 PPM)
12. As soon as sun comes out it drops quickly to near 2 ppm and then recovers overnight but that has been getting worse over the days.
13. More research here.

14. Started Slam #2 with the following numbers and very clear water.

FC 2.5 (Have SWG but needed to add 1 gal of chlorine during day to get it there)
CC 0
PH 7.2 (only use Soda ash/Dry Acid)
TA 100 (Need to get this down a bit but use Baking Soda to raise when needed)
Borate 40 (Boric Acid)
Cal - 240
CYA - My test says 90 pool store says 30.

Got to FC to 38ish ppm last night after sun down and kept filter on water started to cloud up.

6:30 AM FC read 38 PPM and water still cloudy (did I pass?)
12 PM FC down to 26 PMM added more bleach per calculator (makes me now think I didn't pass am I right?)

What's concerning to me is that rapid FC drop as soon as sun comes out and the variation in the CYA results(I read the thread where someone else had that issue but no final answer was posted)

Why would FC hold overnight and dissipate so rapidly as soon as the sun comes out?

Just ordered the CYA 50ppm calibration agent to see what I get.

Any other thoughts?
Hello Bill and welcome to TFP! :wave: Well, two things really jump-out at me first - excessive copper (green hair) and the elevated CYA. Both of those would still require a water exchange to remove metal and excessive stabilizer. So before doing anything else, I would evaluate the need to do another good water exchange. If allowed to remain, the copper will continue to be a problem with hair and stains to the pool. Since you are also doing a SLAM, the lower CYA will require less bleach. So other than the inconvenience of the water exchange process and cost of some water, that would be my first recommendation. How much water to exchange is really up to you to a great degree. The more the better (without going lower the 24"), but that would be my first step.

After that, I'd leave the SWG off during the SLAM and use just regular bleach. The SWG is not designed to maintain such a high FC level and is certainly throwing-off the overnight (OCLT) test. But maintain the SLAM unit you pass all 3 SLAM criteria. Leave all the other levels alone for now and simply focus on the CYA and FC. Once you get that algae eliminated, then you can adjust CYA if needed and dial-in that SWG for proper FC production.

Hope that helps. Great to have you with us.
Thanks for the response.

1. SWG is off now.
2. I'm already 14 hours into the SLAM so I think I'll bite the bullet and finish that off before step 3 here.
3. I want to get the CYA in order but I want that control test to make sure I'm reading it right before I do another drain.
4. I also neglected to mention i'm on week 2 of a CUlater test and Cu has come down to some where between 0.5 and 0.9 PPM. Green hair only appeared this year so that's another mystery.
Wanted to update.

On day 3 - 48 hrs into the slam. Still losing FC but at a much slower rate.

My goal has been to keep FC above shock level by adding enough bleach by gal per pool calculator. If it says add 1.6 gal, I add 2 then remeasure FC in 1 hr for baseline. Don't have the patience(or can't ask my wife during day) to measure out 1 gal 2 quarts and 2 cups at a time. Last add of the night is 8 PM with a bit extra thrown in and remeasure at 10 PM or so. That's my final number for OCLT

Pool clear again 7 PM - Wed
brought FC up to 39ppm 9:30 PM

Lost 6 ppm overnight -6:30 AM Thursday
Lost 0 by 12 PM
Lost 5 ppm by 2:15PM - Sun came out

Will monitor rest of night and add as necessary

Standard CYA solution comes on Friday. Will make sure I know exactly how to read 50ppm then retest CYA and drain as needed and continue SLAM if I still have losses overnight.
New update as I think people get more value seeing things to solution.

Got sample test and reading correctly at 50ppm. Reviewed measuring CYA link and decided to do the suggestion of filling 1/2 pool water 1/2 tap pouring 1/2 out and then adding solution because I wasn't really sure.

CYA = 170 . Slam would need to be at least 67 ppm or more.

OMG. I've done 4 quarter drains over last year because I kept getting high CYA. I best it was over 250 maybe even way more when I opened last year as a new owner.

Lesson learned - Buy a house with existing pool and find pucks and copper based algaecide in shed? Assume the previous owner was clueless. Then drain the thing and refill. Who knows what they put in there.

Next lesson - Get CYA in check before SLAM

Now doing another 1/4 drain then refill and measure again. I'm guessing at least 120.

No more SLAM until I get the thing at CYA between 70 and 80 (SWG numbers)
Lesson learned - Buy a house with existing pool and find pucks and copper based algaecide in shed? Assume the previous owner was clueless. Then drain the thing and refill. Who knows what they put in there.
Ha ha. Well Said Bill.
Next lesson - Get CYA in check before SLAM
Absolutely! :goodjob: We hate to see anyone waste time and chemicals on water that's going to go into the grass. So definitely lower that CYA as much as you can so that you are sure it is in a manageable range. Keep in mind that if the CYA is over 100, even if verified with the dilution testing, matching the proper SLAM FC level can be tricky. If you can afford to exchange enough water to get the CYA down to about 70-80 or so, that would be a great goal. Do what you can and let us know if we can help. You've learned a ton already simply by taking charge of your pool.
Update 7/8/2017 9:45 AM.

Did 2 x 24 inch drain and fills

Didn't bother testing CYA after 1st because I was so high..

CYA now ~ 60. A little low for SWG but I wanted to account for any margin of errors and rather be low and edge it up then high.

Pool still very clear

Copper now < 0.4 PPM I have a heater so I always think I'll have a bit of Cu in the water. CuLater seems to be working as well. Polymer is blue so some Cu is bonding.

PH 7.4 so I am bringing it down to 7.2 once there and a quick vacuum then I'll start SLAM

Unless I have issues with SLAM i'll update when complete.
Update 7/9/2017

Did a mustard Algae level to ensure I was tackling any and all algae.

FC 35 ppm at 10 PM 7/8

FC > 34 ppm at 7:30 AM
CC = 0
Water clear

SLAM was successful.

I'm assuming that my previous attempt at SLAM with a too high CYA and replacing so much water helped speed this up. Pool was and has been clear since last Wednesday.

Now drifting FC down.

As soon as below 10ppm I'll handle PH and TA.
Yes Typo

7/10 Update

FC dropped slowly throughout the day yesterday to 18ppm a 10 ppm drop during the hot and sunny day. (Prior to slam it would eat 2 gal of 10% bleach every 2 to 3 hours or so or 30+ ppm per day

Salt at 1800 ppm. Added salt to reach 3200.

FC was ~ 17ppm at 6:30 AM. That's 2 nights with less than 1 ppm drop

Weirdness ensued with Pool lights and SWG this morning. NO power to either. Pool outlet didn't work either. Tried GFCI reset, flipping breakers etc. No Dice.

Things come in threes right? Well I got hit with 6 in 45 days..

1. Seized pump at open, got it freed and was so loud you could here it out front. Seized up again a few days later so new pump.
2. Stains
3. Replacement cartridge filters(looks to have never been replaced by original owner)
4. Algae
5. power issue
6. Dual pool lights going out of sync on 7/3 (Read the Hayward manual online today on how to sync so wish me luck)

At 5:30 when I got home power was restored to all. But GFCI doesn't lose power with reset so it appears to be malfunctioning, probably had moisture this morning. One thing I don't mess with is water and electricity so electrician will be here in the AM to correct. Once he passes the circuit, I'll be in the water for the 1st time since 7/4.

36 hours after SLAM
FC is now 14 PPM
CC 0
PH 7.4 (will test again at FC of < 10 ppm) Have 50 lbs of Dry Acid left and when done I am a Muratic Acid man. I have plenty of soda ash and will convert to Borax when that is used up.
TA 100 (can't seem to get it below 100 even lowering PH and using the waterfall. I'll worry about it again after I get everything stable)
CYA 55 (added 8 oz at 6:30 tonight to hit 60 and will slowly increase over the next several days giving it time to dissolve and circulate)
NaCl 3200 ppm
Borates 20 ppm (My source is on back order for 3 weeks)

Thanks to all for the help and reassurance!

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7/13 and Final Update.

FC holding steady at 7 PPM when SWG is off overnight. SWG set at 70% to maintain levels.
CC = 0
CYA 60 - Will bring up to 70 but taking my time here.
PH 7.4
TA 100 - will play with this once I get CYA and Borates in my range.
Borates 20 ppm (Will up this this weekend when product arrives)
NaCl = 3200
7/13 and Final Update.

FC holding steady at 7 PPM when SWG is off overnight. SWG set at 70% to maintain levels.
CC = 0
CYA 60 - Will bring up to 70 but taking my time here.
PH 7.4
TA 100 - will play with this once I get CYA and Borates in my range.
Borates 20 ppm (Will up this this weekend when product arrives)
NaCl = 3200
I'm sure an expert will chime in to confirm, but I believe your TA will be harder to move with increased borates as they will buffer the pH rise you need after the acid additions. You can still accomplish, just will take longer.
I'm sure an expert will chime in to confirm, but I believe your TA will be harder to move with increased borates as they will buffer the pH rise you need after the acid additions. You can still accomplish, just will take longer.

Yes it did take much longer. About 2 days of fountain running for 10 hours to raise it from 7.2 to 7.4

OK. Wanted to provide an update.

Since SLAM finished.

FC 7 ppm (with salt generator at 60%)
CC = 0
CYA = 75 (Right in the middle of the rec for SWG)
TA = 80 (required 3 drops with my remaining dry acid to 7.2 and aerate with fountain to get down from 100. Next year on to muratic acid)
PH 7.4
Borate = 50
NaCl = 3200

Using 16oz of metal magic to keep stains at bay. (Pool has never looked this good and will probably drain and fill at closing time)

Still spot treating one severe iron stain(looks like previous owner left a boomerang shape iron object in pool 18" x 2") with Vitamin c tabs on occasion. Down to 4 x 2" x 1/8" spots that are very light rust colored. Just throw the tabs in and use brush to align on stain and let dissolve.

Using Scum balls (Black rings in skimmer are gone and no oil floating in skimmer. )

Using filter sock (pump basket has been free of debris since starting with these though I have to clean these 3 to 4x /week(maybe more if windy) but will prolong filter cleaning by quite a bit to maybe once per season at closing)

I'm undecided on the borates. The pool sparkles. Will use up the rest and I may skip this over time.

Other than Metal Magic and Dry Acid to adjust TA nothing has gone into my pool since the SLAM.

Kudos to all on this site that help us "see the light" of a trouble free pool.
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