Time to re-plaster, looking for advice/tips/tricks/recs


Bronze Supporter
Jul 18, 2019
San Antonio
Our 14 yoa pool is in need of a re-plaster. We should have done it last fall but for multiple reasons it didn't happen.

3 quotes so far:
Keith Zars - $20k
David Nava pools - $12k
TX pools and spa - $13k

Keith Zars includes: all existing surface, replaster in "blue granite pebble sheen" (5 yr warrant), remove and replace pool and spa tile.
David Nava includes: replaster by prepping existing pool plaster an applying bond coat, plaster is "Quartzscapes", remove and replace pool and spa tile
TX Pools and spa - remove existing plaster, install new pebble finish, remove and replace tile

So I have no clue the difference between "blue granite pebble sheen" "quartzscapes" or "pebble finish" and will probably ask each company if they have a pool I can go look at.

I'm also trying to figure out if there is anything else I should do while this is happening. We have some lights in the pool, three to be exact, and they don't work very well but to replace them is $4k.

Any insight and guidance on this is appreciated.
404 still.

Found this link:

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Wow, that tile makes a difference, and COVID, I supposed. Three years ago plaster was $6K, pebble was $9K.

- Be sure to get a full chip out, and be sure that is included in the all the prices you are comparing. No partial. You want new surface over gunite, not new surface over old plaster.

- When I had mine redone, they dug out around the returns, which were just sawed off PVC, and installed 1.5" female threaded fittings, into which I'm now able to install directional eyeballs. Really helped my pool's circulation.

- I also had them plaster over my drains. Safer for my long-haired beauties. Way better looking (to me). No more vac getting stuck. Easier to brush. There are a handful of pros and cons to drains, but for me it was easy to decide. You don't need a drain to drain your pool! And with the eyeball addition I mentioned, my circulation is way better than when I had a drain. No more cold/warm spots!

- I've read here, though no direct experience, that you can do some reshaping of your pool. Change the step height, add a bench, that type of thing. I don't know what is possible, but that might be something to think about and then talk about with the contractor.

- Gettin' up there like me? You could add a hand rail. That can be done from the deck, I think, but maybe they're more stable when one end is in the water, in a step? They can be removable. So you could have the fixtures installed, but save the rail for your later years, or for when I come to visit (or your other gramps). Another convo with the contractor. Metal rails have to be bonded electrically, but I believe there are non-metal solutions for that issue.
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