Testing kit & supplies not known in pool store

Aug 15, 2016
Tacoma, WA
I just went into a local pool store and tried to get more reagents for my Taylor kit. (My first visit to a pool store) The gal had no idea what I was talking about!! She said I must have an old kit with old numbers because they dont have reagents with those numbers. Huh? She had to call their supply folks and ask about the numbers I gave her (R-0013, R-0870 & 0871). She said she's never had anyone ask for those.

Am I missing something? Do people just don't do their own pool maintence? Or maybe just not at the level that TFP members do? Or do I have an old kit?
I just went into a local pool store and tried to get more reagents for my Taylor kit. (My first visit to a pool store) The gal had no idea what I was talking about!! She said I must have an old kit with old numbers because they dont have reagents with those numbers. Huh? She had to call their supply folks and ask about the numbers I gave her (R-0013, R-0870 & 0871). She said she's never had anyone ask for those.

Am I missing something? Do people just don't do their own pool maintence? Or maybe just not at the level that TFP members do? Or do I have an old kit?
I'm having the same issue! Called everywhere today and no one has a clue what I'm talking about
Those are current numbers.

People think pool testing and pool chemistry are difficult and complicated, and the pool store does nothing to dispel it. Why should they? If you don't have a test kit, they have a captive audience to buy their overpriced stuff. It's like printing money -- add this then this then this now try this and oh look your TDS are too high, need to drain. Repeat.

You can order refills for anything you need at TFTestkits.net.
The reality is that the girl at the store didn't know what you were asking for because they don't sell it. They don't sell it because they are better off not selling a good quality testing kit that allows the customer to be self sufficient. If they can convince you that they know everything that you need, they are in a better position to sell you on stuff that increases their profits.

So, you'll only really find the test kits and reagent supplies online. But, on the bright side, you can't hardly buy anything locally anymore anyway, so it's just like everything else I guess.
I order online, BUT I had to buy some R-0871 at the pool store (at twice the price of online) because I ran out in the middle of a SLAM. If you're in an area that has, or find a pool store that services commercial pools they will carry the reagent. Since the tests you mention come in Taylor's commercial line up. It took me a few tries to convince the girl that I wanted the dpd/fas reagent. It wasn't until I explained exactly how to do the test that I was convinced. Any pool store that sells Taylor products can order those reagents. I can just about guarantee you that they will cost more than TFTeskits, but if your in a pinch (or don't want to order online). It's no different than going to Walmart and asking for {uncommon item} and they jut go stare at the shelf all perplexed (as if you didn't just do that),so you are right on with 'regular people' just don't do the testing TFPers do. In the end, think of blindly trusting pool store advice like opening a savings account at your local casino.
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