SWCG T-cell-940 MAX Current


Jul 6, 2020
The Villages, FL
Imprinted on a label on my new T-cell-940 : 24 VDC, 5 A MAX
Is this advertising or a warning or what?
You know... sometimes manufacturers want to brag about their product..."We run our current no more than 5 amps, so your electric bill will be half of our competition."
Or a label could be a warning like: "Don't run this thing over 5 amps or you'll discover a new meaning for 'pool shock'."
I'm being silly, of course, but I don't know why Hayward printed this label because I've always seen at least 25 volts and usually more than 7 amps. Other members on this blog also have reported higher values than "5 A MAX".
Because there are 3 other "warnings" on this same label, I lean towards this being a "warning" of some kind.
Oh... I found the same label on my deceased T-cell-15.... so it must be important!
Can anybody tell me what's the message?
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