Slow "drip" from hose to keep pool filled?


Well-known member
Aug 9, 2022
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I have to go away for maybe a week or so... How bad of an idea is it to run a hose on a very light drizzle to keep the pool topped off while away? Now, to keep the pool level down in case of a sudden big rain, I already planned on putting a sump pump on the top step so that should take care of that as long as the power doesn't go out for some extended period.

(Am considering a "smart" hose faucet attachment, but essentially the idea is the same in that I need to turn on a faucet while away. Quite frankly the slow drip seemed less risky as the problems with smart devices add an additional realm to have problems. With the "slow drizzle" idea, at least I never run into the issue of a full throttle hose going off while the wifi or smart device is offline or out of batteries etc.)

Thank you for reading.
When I top off my pool due to evaporation and know I can't be around for an hour (typical time I take to gain 1.25"), then I'll cut flow to hose significantly and extend the time. No reason that couldn't work. If you know typically what you add per week, a simple timer based hose bib valve would also be easy.
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