Slightly Cloudy Water after adding liquid CYA


Silver Supporter
May 18, 2013
Needham, MA
I noticed yesterday that my water was slightly cloudy. In the morning I added half a bottle of Liquid CYA as I wanted to increase my CYA levels for my new SWG cell that was replaced earlier in the week. While my cell was down I was keeping a close eye on my levels and using liquid cholorine. Last night I did the OCLT test and passed. My current levels look great, but for some reason the water is slightly cloudy. It’s more noticeable at night with the pool lights on. Can liquid CYA do cause this? I have used it in the past with no issues.

Current levels:
FC. 5.5
CC 0
TA. 80
CH. 150
PH 7.3
CYA 70. (Up from 50)
Temp 82

I would like to add my water was crystal clear the night prior. I also always add any chemical to a bucket with water first, stir then add to the pool.
I've never had it happen before, and don't recall hearing of it here. Give it another day to see if it clears.

I would make sure your FC is kept up to the desired level based on this: [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]
and that your new SWCG is working correctly. If in doubt supplement with more plain bleach or liquid chlorine.

Maddie :flower:
I am very cautions about my FC dipping below the recommend levels per my CYA. Just checked again and my FC is still holding at 5.5. Mind you that is with the pool being in direct sunlight since 10:00am this morning, and an outside temp of 90. SWG seems to be holding level where it needs to be with a CYA of 70. I did notice some white fuzzy things flying through the air, and could see some on the pool surface. I just put in a skimmer sock to see if tha helps. If not I will bringing to shock level tonight. The only other thing I did yesterday was add water to the pool. We have city water, and I have added many many times in the past with no issues.
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