Salty water, zero CYA, bleach and chlorine shortage


LifeTime Supporter
Nov 10, 2011
Austin, Texas
I am getting the pool in shape for the Summer and wanted some input. During our Snowpocalypse around Valentine's Day we lost water for 5 days. Thankfully, the pool's freeze protection ran nonstop for a week and we never lost power. My multiport does seem to have some issue in that when I run the spa, water ends up flowing through the waste line at pressure. Our pool repair guy said the multiport needed to be replaced at a cost he couldn't even quote me since they are not available right now, or he could install a gate valve on the waste line for cheap. I went cheap.

The pool water is "salty" to taste and I was wondering if it made any sense to partially drain and refill? I've been a TFT advocate since my pool was built in 2012 so that is a lot of bleach over the years. I was about to start a SLAM to get rid of some algae I found on our swim deck yesterday but if I was going to drain/refill I figure that waiting until that was complete would save a lot of bleach. My CYA is at zero as well. The pool is surrounded by live oaks, a giant post oak, and the pool gets so little sun, it never gets about 81, even in the dog days of Summer.

My HD was out of pool bleach and I had to go across town to find a Leslie's that would sell me one case of 12.5%. I have never used tabs but went ahead and grabbed a 7# bucket of trichlor tabs in case this continues. I figure I can at least get the 30 parts CYA from the tabs, which would be about right. I know 40 is the recommended level on the low end but I don't lose much chlorine during the summer and keep my pool at about 4 FC all the time.

1. Does it make any sense to drain/refill after 10 years of adding bleach to the pool to cure the "salty" taste?
2. Does using trichlor tabs makes sense to get some "free" cya along with the FC?

I don’t have a salt test since I don’t have a SWG but the Leslie’s tested it at 2500 salt and 3500 tds. Bonus points for the sales associate not trying to sell me any potions.
Salt would have to be over 3k to be used with a SWG so there’s no reason to drain unless you just don’t want the salty taste.
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