repairing a cartridge filter top; is it possible ?


Silver Supporter
Aug 28, 2012
Houston, TX
Hello to all,

Have a 4 cartridge filtering system. They are all 3 yrs old. Clean them about once every 7-9 months.

The integrity of the filter pleats, the material holding the pleats together are all good. My pool/filter pump running on 2950RPM/startup is still in the green range under 12psi, and operating range of 1750-2550 is 8psi. However, the blue soft plastic ends have a few splits in them, no more than 3/4" and only 1-2 splits in all 4 of them.

Is there anything I can use to seal up these splits? I googled the JB Weld for water applications, and it's either great or horrible. Not sure of the FC of 4-5 and pH of 7.2-7.8 would either do anything to the JB weld vs just straight water.

Has anyone used anything that has worked, or has a better idea? It's Sat of ending spring break and I wanted to clean filters before spring/summer begins. I now also use the hairnets and that has helped immensely, so this will be the first clean while using them.

Thank you very much,
PS - I want to clarify this is not the filter housing...I did a search first on this matter, and agree not to fix the filter housing. I am referring to the blue soft plastic end of the actual cartridge filter - thanks
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