Possible algae


Apr 3, 2024
South TX
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
I pretty much neglected our pool for the last several days due to work. Anyways, went out this morning to grab a water sample and noticed the water was decently clear but the bottom and sides were “dirty looking”. I started brushing which made my water cloudy. I threw the robot vac in the pool, tested my sample and added chlorine. Adding MA here shortly. Question: I have family and friends coming over later for a party. How should I proceed in order to clean this up a good as possible in order to have a safe swim. Assuming I’m dealing with mustard algae and will need to further treat after today.

Start and follow the SLAM process. It will be safe to swim. Link-->SLAM Process
Thanks for the quick response and straightforward answer.

FC sitting at 26 now. Pool brushed and still being vacuumed. Also backwashed and added DE this morning. Plenty of chlorine on hand to follow through with the SLAM. Things are already looking better. 👌🏼