Pool Store

Jun 22, 2013
I have read about the importance of proper storage of my test kit. The other day I stopped by my local pool store to get more reagent.

Someone came in to have their water tested... I look over and see their plastic box full of filthy looking reagent bottles (prob 20 of them) and not a lid in sight. My guess is either they don't ever put the lids back on, or when they do they are mixing them up. Isn't this a really bad idea?
Everything about pool store testing is a really bad idea ;)

Yes, they should take better care of their test equipment. It is stories like these that I think of every time someone defends pool store testing. If they don't care enough to even keep their work area presentable how can you trust them to care about the rest of the process? There are some who take better care, for sure, but enough stories like yours that leads to our refusal to ever accept pool store test results as accurate results.
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