Polyquat and pH Increase?


LifeTime Supporter
Jun 9, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Closing the pool and tested pH and Chlorine last night. pH was 7.5 to 7.6, and chlorine was a bit high at 7.5. Put 1 qt of "pool solutions algae prevent 60" in this morning and ran the pump to let it mix for a couple hours. Pulled the return Jets and thought I would check the levels again just to be sure before I shut down the pump. I was shocked to see the pH was ~8. Does polyquat increase pH that much? My TA has been holding steady around 90.

FC 8
pH 7.8-8.2
TA 90
CH 150

I've never checked levels after adding polyquat so I'm not sure if this is normal. Should I lower pH? don't really want to leave my pool around pH 8 until April 2018.

Did you add chlorine and then test afterwards? If so, this is the reason why. If not, your pool solutions may contain something. Here at TFP, we use PolyQuat 60 non foaming, non metallic algaecide and no, it does not raise PH.

Leave it alone as the chlorine will burn off and your PH will drop. In addition, acid rain will lower your PH as well. Do you have a mesh cover? If so, then you are fine.

Is your PH @ 8 or 8.2? If you are 8.2, then may drop it a hair down to around 8 would be fine.
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