Polaris Quattro Debris Filter Cover AND debris/leaf basket won't stay on!


New member
Jul 26, 2022
Marietta, gA
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
The Polaris Quattro is great when it works, but as we know, periodically, something is going to break., and then things are not so great Over the 3 years I have had it, I have had the same gearbox problems as everyone else here (Come on Polaris!), but right now, my current problem is - the Leaf basket and cover come off the vacuum EVERY day and just will not stay on. Anyone else experience this and if so, how did you fix the situation? I have two theories. One is, the Cover Latch is worn and will not hold the cover in place, OR, (this is my lead theory) the rear Latches (hinges) at the back edge of the cover have worn badly enough that they will not hold the cover in place.

Anyone else finding their cover and leaf basket at the bottom of the pool (EVERY day!), and disconnected from the vacuum?
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Polaris Quattro Owners, I have a 3 year old Quattro that works great MOST of the time. I have had the same Gearbox issues as most other owners, but my current problem is the Coover and leaf basket have suddently started departing the vaccum and you just find the cover and leaf basket on the bottom, separated from the vacuum. I have taken the vaccum out and examined it closely and I have two theories. First, it might be that the latch that holds the cover on is worn enough that it will not hold the cover on. The second theory (and this is my lead theory) is that the hinges that hold the back of the cover on are worn enough they cannot hold the dimension, back to front< to keep the cover up against the latch. Latches are out of stock everywhere, so I am betting on the rear latches (which ARE in stock) and hoping they are the cure.

Any other other Quattro owners with a cover and leaf basket that won't (or didn't) stay on and if so, what was your fix?

I had the same issue and ended up securing a plastic piece on the front latch to give it more of a lip and hold it tight. I think lifting it by that container lid handle vs the handle that is on the body, wears out the latch. My current issue though is debris seems to be leaking from it and I cannot tell if thats due to the canister lid or what...
I have the same problem with my quattro. Currently using a combination of zip ties to hold the cover in place and replacing it with new zip ties each time I cut the ties, dump out leaves and clean it out. I'm waiting for a replacement latch to come in stock again.. Something like this:

I had the same issue and ended up securing a plastic piece on the front latch to give it more of a lip and hold it tight. I think lifting it by that container lid handle vs the handle that is on the body, wears out the latch. My current issue though is debris seems to be leaking from it and I cannot tell if thats due to the canister lid or what...
I think I have this issue as well, how / what did you secure to the latch? Do you have a picture?
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