Plumbing Question on Returns


Bronze Supporter
Apr 7, 2018
Long Beach/Ca
Need some guidance on pool plumbing. We are building a 28x17 IG free formpool. The PB put in 3 wall returns using1.5 inch pipe stepped down to 1 inch pipe at the walls. From the pump out it is 2 inch pipe but when it splits off about tenfeet down the run to go around the pool the pipe is 1 and 1.5 inch. Does this sound like adequate sizing? The suction side is 2.5 inch, which we arefine with.
from my understanding of things, the larger the pipe and the less sharp the turn (an elbow 90 or a sweep 90 the sweep is better) regarding how hard your pump works, the harder your pump works the more electricity you use the more electricity you use the more money it costs to run? I have to agree with Pcpanda though I don't see the point in reducing/increasing the pipe size numerous times??? unless the builder ran out of pipe... go get some more and be consistent?
Also side note going from inch and a half to inch on the return side will build up an insane amount of head pressure also in my opinion two and a half inch Plumbing on the suction side will make that impossible to Prime no one needs to reinvent the wheel here

I can tell you that I have 2" plumbing, 2 main drains, 2 skimmers and 8 returns with a 2 hp pump. My friend had a pool built with 3 returns, 5 in the steps and 1.5 inch plumbing and 1.5 hp pump. A big difference in pressure and suction, even when shutting off the one line to the steps and 5 returns.

It is in your best interest to go at least 1.5" all the way around, as reducing to 1" will cause problems. I am not the foremost expert, but not a wise choice. Stick with the 1.5" all the way around. Also, I would ask the builder why? The cost and labor time is really minimal. I believe having the suction side larger will throw everything off. Hopefully the PB did not back fill as this can be fixed.
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