Plaster VS Stonescapes Minipebbles


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
Hi all,

I've been debating for months and can't decide on whether to pony up the extra 3-4k to upgrade to pebbles from plaster. Is it worth the extra cost? We plan on staying in our house so we can say with somewhat confidence we are not moving in the next 10 years or so but you never know. I know pebbles are "supposed" to last double the life. If anyone has any thoughts that could help our decision that would awesome. We are totally on the fence about it. Thanks for the help. - Mike
Hi all,

I've been debating for months and can't decide on whether to pony up the extra 3-4k to upgrade to pebbles from plaster. Is it worth the extra cost? We plan on staying in our house so we can say with somewhat confidence we are not moving in the next 10 years or so but you never know. I know pebbles are "supposed" to last double the life. If anyone has any thoughts that could help our decision that would awesome. We are totally on the fence about it. Thanks for the help. - Mike
I can’t speak to longevity as we just had our pool installed this spring, but we love the look of the pebble tec over the plaster. The variation is really nice to look at and the color options are awesome.
Good luck!
New pool this spring and went with plaster blue quartz , been in new type pebble pool and found rough on the feet and skin. In the end plaster is good if chemistry/cleaning is taken care weekly. Opinion though.
I’ll agree with that! We got pebblesheen and it was still rougher than I had hoped. We are still happy with it for the look though.
There are different manufacturers of pebble finishes, but I have noticed that the ones that use both a mix of smaller and larger pebbles (relative size, they are all small) along with ones that were NOT crushed and are naturally tiny and smooth are a lot easier on the feet. Crushed ones have jagged edges. And the mix of smaller with larger (relative) stones seems to allow them to settle in more smoothly (filling in the "gaps" between each stone better) so as not to scratch the feet.

If you are concerned with longevity, the pebble finishes are supposed to last longer. I have not seen any scientific proof of that, but if you are concerned with the associated cost of having to replaster sooner then I would choose the pebble. If you like the look or feel of traditional plaster better and don't mind having to replaster a little sooner, then go for the traditional plaster. It's really personal taste.
I think it is worth the extra money for durability. It is a big investment and I'd like to have it last as long as possible. The aggregate is rock instead of crushed marble. It is a little rougher on the feet but plaster can be rough too. An added bonus is that it does not stain nearly as easily as plaster does because of the difference in aggregate. Quartz finishes are sort of a hybrid in between if you are considering options.
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