Plaster startup + closing


Bronze Supporter
Jul 29, 2017
Franklin, MA
My pool will finish tentatively 8/14. Pebble Tec complete and Water in.

Pool School - Start-up New Plaster

I'm concerned about a few things:

  • Turn off the heater and leave it off for at least 3 weeks after filling. If practical, bypass the heater during this period.

Is the break in period 3 weeks?

  • Do not SLAM (or shock) the pool during the first 30 days.

Closing procedure on the pool school has a SLAM involved. It's very possible, I'll be closing the pool in the first 30 days. :sad:

No matter what start-up procedure is used, your pool will consume a lot of acid during the first 6-12 months as the plaster finish continues to cure. It is important to test your pH daily and do not let it climb above 7.8. Be sure to continue to brush the pool at least weekly during this period.

Again, pool may close as early as 30 days after pebble finish is applied. Many people run pools Memorial to Labor day in New England. How do I deal with pebble tec curing over winter?

Any tips for a plaster startup with quick close? I'm sure my PB will have recommendations, but interested in seeing what other northern folks have done in this type of situation.
No the break-in period is no 3 weeks.
And with pebble-tec, you could likely be swimming in a couple days ... ask them when it is safe to get in.

When you close, you do not have to SLAM if the pool is properly maintained ... but you should not be closing the pool until the water is less than 60 degrees.

Pebble-tec does not exactly cure like plaster, I don't think the pH rise is as much either.
No the break-in period is no 3 weeks.
And with pebble-tec, you could likely be swimming in a couple days ... ask them when it is safe to get in.

When you close, you do not have to SLAM if the pool is properly maintained ... but you should not be closing the pool until the water is less than 60 degrees.

Pebble-tec does not exactly cure like plaster, I don't think the pH rise is as much either.

Good to know... I'll wait for those guys, just started doing homework and want to make sure I understand
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