PA/Chlorine issue


Jul 21, 2016
Cowley County, KS
FC - 0
PH - 8
TA - 120

I shocked it last night, I had high chlorine this morning! I checked it late afternoon and have zip / zero chlorine. I have gone through a gallon of muriatic acid in 1.5 weeks, I'm not sure my pH is ever been correct.
I need help!
18,000 gal saltwater generated pool.
Thank you in advance!
I'm wondering why you added chlorine granules if the water is beautiful?

Adding chemicals like that to the skimmer could be damaging to your equipment.

I'm not sure what "high" chorine is to you. We follow the guidelines in this chart Pool School - Chlorine / CYA Chart
Since your needed chlorine level depends on your CYA

Have you had the chance to do some reading in pool school? This is a great place to start. Pool School - ABCs of Pool Water Chemistry really. I hope you can take the time to read the links I posted. "Shock" is a dry stabilized chlorine product. Bleach is chlorine but not stabilized by another chemical like dry chlorine. It's those "other" chemicals that can start to cause pool owners problems building up over time.

Pool School - Recommended Pool Chemicals

Trichlor and dichlor are dry chlorine products stabilized by CYA (Cyuranic acid) which will build up over time causing your FC needs to be higher

Cal-hypo (calcium hypochlorite) is stabilized by calcium which will also build up over time and cause different types of problems.

What we like to help people with is understanding why you are adding what chemicals to your pool. I posted the link in one of my previous replies to the chlorine/cya chart. Your FC needs to be higher the higher your CYA is simply to keep the water sanitized to a healthy swimming level.
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