Out of R-0013 - Strips?

May 19, 2016
Bristol, CT
I tried to give my pool water the first test of the season, but the first test I went to do (CYA) I discovered I was out of the R-0013 reagent! How frustrating. I went around to the local pool shops and Wal-mart to see if they had any refill reagent, but no luck. The best I could find was some testing strips, which I reluctantly purchased.

I've now got a 32oz R-0013 on the way from Amazon. I know strips are frowned upon here - but are they reliable enough to use in the short-term (and base my initial pool opening chemistry from them)? It was raining yesterday so I didn't bother to test, but I will want to when I get home today.
Dang - seems unanimous. I'll probably test it since I bought the strips, and if it gives me a crazy value I'll just wait for the reagent before doing any follow on chemistry.

For the first test after opening (I've only added liquid chlorine so far) should I expect to see a fairly low CYA?
Unfortunately, I don't; but I expect it was on the lower side. I think that's enough for me to start from though. Thanks for the idea.

I've got Amazon Prime, but the quickest they could promise delivery was the 31st. I think I'll just SWAG it and adjust once juice gets here.
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