Opinion on test results

Aug 19, 2015
Mt. Airy, MD
Hello everyone,

Pool opened smooth a few weeks ago, water was clear when I took the cover off. Haven't had any problems, just want some opinions on my numbers as of this morning.

35,000 gallon vinyl liner.
Bleach as chlorine source
Sand filter. I run the pump for 10 hours right now, 9am-7pm. Water is only 70 degrees (central Maryland).

FC- 2
Borates-30 (I had it at 50 last year, lost some after closing and opening from water lose/refill)

PH was at 7.5 upon opening. I haven't added anything to the pool this year except chlorine. It's at 7.2 now which is fine with me, but curious if I should bring the TA up a bit. I added some chlorine after the test today to bring it to 4.
If it was me... I'd just keep an eye on the pH...

If it gets any lower notch it up with baking soda or Borax.

That will add more buffering, and raise your pH, without chasing numbers, which could lead to whack a mole.
The pH will likely rise on it's own. Nevertheless, baking soda will have little affect on pH.......it is used to raise TA.

I wasn't thinking of adding the baking soda to raise the pH. More: the higher TA will give the pH a greater tendency to rise on it's own, and find an equilibrium at a higher pH.

Or am I wrong?
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