**NOW THE END TO ALGAE :)***vacuum to waste

Since you will be ordering tomorrow, the TF-100 gives the best value. Had I known about it before I bought my K-2006, that would have been my choice.

See? I told you that you would start to change your thinking of your pool. Now that it is making sense, you can see just how easy and fun owning that relaxation aid can be.

Edit: A comment about knowledge....

On another forum I frequent, there is a sig line from one of their experts:

What I know about pools could fill a couple of books. what I DON'T know could fill libraries.

For me, what I know MIGHT fill a small pamphlet.....

LOL..Good point :mrgreen: Charlie!!!

ok...so I just looked at the test kits AGAIN. I'm debating whether to get the TF-100 or the TF-50. Both kits have very few tests for CYA. Do u not need to perform that many in one season??And if u do, then should I just get the TF-50 and buy the refill of CYA?? Just trying to save money! With 2 little girls and being a stay at home mom, I like to budget and save where I can! Now as for my husband....he just goes with the flow and buys whatever...lol (that's why I budget, and he stays offshore..haha) So, like I posted before, with this week's unexpected medical issues, it made me think of a different way to handle the pool care budget!! Get a good, but economical test and switch to the BBB method. I'm hoping this will help keep my pool clear and healthy, therefore I wont have to spend any extra money fixing a swamp!!
I had been open for almost a month. I have done two Cya tests, about 25 OTO chlorine, 10 DPD-FAS tests, 30 pH tests and a handful of the others.

I am leaving on vacation for a week starting on Friday so I am trying to titrate a dichloro floater so I am testing twice a day this week but I don't think I will doing more than one or two more CYA tests this summer. Once you get to your desired level and only use Liquid Chlorine, you don't need to test any more. Also for $20 difference, you get soo much more.

I waited too long before getting the TF100 and limped along with a 6 way and looked for ways to get the rest of the test I needed.. For cheap. I also struggled with a green pool and wasted chemicals. When I bought the TF and really bought into the process, the pool looked so much better, I never looked back. You can see when you need a little extra run time or a vacuum. You do it and the water sparkles like you see in the pool builder photos.
ob1quixote said:
Kit tests fine. Get a freebie CYA test once a month at the pool store.
If you read the many, many posts of users who get test results from pool stores, you will find that they often vary significantly from each other and also differ from the tests done at home with a proper test kit, especially for the CYA test. Yes, you can sometimes find a pool store that does the tests correctly and have decent test equipment, but more often than not they either don't have good equipment or their temporary seasonal help is not well trained in doing the tests so do them or interpret them incorrectly. If you are confident that the pool store is accurately testing your CYA level, then congratulations on finding one that does. The CYA test is critically important because the proper FC level to prevent algae growth depends on it. You can get your own CYA test from TFTestkits for only $17.
The store I use seems to do a good job. After is use my test kit and the Pool Calculator to get my chemistry right, I carry a sample over for a free test. Their numbers agree with mine, and the expected CYA level according to the prescribed PC dose.

I went up 10 points on my initial CYA dose, been getting a lot of rain this spring and had to drain off a few times. I might have to look at that CYA test! One less trip, more pool time!

Steph, the green is back? Get a kit, you must have it! Study the shock process, leave the rest of the daily maintenance stuff for later, dont clutter your mind with it just yet! While the test kit is being shipped, I would add about 80oz of bleach per day {assuming 0% CYA} and continue vacuuming until the test kit gets there. Keep a fresh filter in the pump.

Then do the full shock process with your new kit! Take notes of all your readings!

Once the shock is done, you will have tested a number of times and hopefully will be comfortable with the kit and use.
Then it is time to use the Pool Calculator, with the variables in it set properly. Once you kick the algae's bee-hind, you'll find out just how easy it is to keep your pool clean and sparkling.

I spend all of 5 minutes per day...

Keep notes of your daily tests. Going out of town for a few days? Look at your CL loss figures and estimate how much will be lost while you are out, and add that to the pool before leaving.

Luck has nothing to do with it. Religious testing initially will lead to you getting comfortable with the pool's daily needs.

But, first things first! Test kit - shock process.
stephlap4 said:
Good point! I know I will most likely end up buying the TF100 anyway, so I will just go ahead and get that one. Thanks for the advice :-D

Glad to see you have finally decided on a good quality test kit instead of chasing the vac hose around the pool. It's not about being a know it all. It's about having a test kit that measures all your levels accurately so you can defeat an ongoing algae bloom that won't die and prevent one from happening in the future.

As for *What I know about pools could fill a book... what I don't could fill a few libraries* That's from waste. I've learned a lot from that man. I don't know it all but I do know enough that if I'm running electric to a pool n moving water, a test kit should be a part of maintenance. :goodjob:

Have fun with your pool. :mrgreen:
It sounds to me like if you had the TF100 you would be seriously failing the OFCL and CC tests, but you just don't know it. It seems like if twice you have had green water after only 3-4 days of neglect then your chlorine consumption is too high and you're probably always only 1/2 step ahead of the algae. It is there... waiting to bloom at the first opportunity.

Due to occasional mistakes my chlorine level has dropped to zero for several days at a time and the water was still clear and it took very little action on my part to get back on track.

After a number of years with Intex pools, last year I decided to upgrade to the combined Intex 1,600 sand filter/SWG system. While researching the system I discovered this site. The combination of those two has been a game changer. Last year was nearly trouble free - not a single algae problem - less filter clogging (this would have happened even with the standard Intex cartridge filter b/c my higher quality water created less junk to filter out) - etc. It was wonderful to get balanced and have it stay there. I could enjoy looking at the shiny clear pool every day rather than dreading what I'd have to do over the weekend to correct my failures.

Just keep working at it and with the TF100 and the tools and tips you can find here, you'll get the hang of it soon and will love your pool! :)

I have picked up some really great tips/tricks/mods from the good folks here.
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