No TA feedback in Pool Math


LifeTime Supporter
Jan 8, 2016
Altamonte Springs, FL
Pool Size
Liquid Chlorine
A friend (new member) has a TA of 170. I advised her to use the Pool Math calculator to determine how much baking soda to add to reduce it to 70. She said Pool Math didn't give her any amount of baking soda to add. Huh?

So I went to the Pool Math calculator to see for myself. TA loaded Start=170 and Goal=70 and all the other values start=goal. Hit calculate. No values in TA advice box. I re-ran it with a different Start and Goal for CH and received advice in this CH advice box.

What am I missing?

These are the values I used:
FC 6/6
PH 7.5/7.5
TA 170/70
CH 300/300
CYA 40/40
Salt 0/0
Borate 0/0
Temp 80
Trouble Free Pool/bleach/Vinyl
That's intentional.

Poolmath is certainly capable of figuring how much acid it will take to lower TA X amount. The problem is, that much acid all at once will probably drive pH so low that it will etch plaster, dissolve the heater, and burn the eyes of anyone swimming. And for what? To adjust a number that is already okay? 170 is 90+, so it's in the suggested range.

If your new member friend just can't not be doing something to the chemistry, then follow this: Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity
Well, the first thing for me to notice is that I had my TA up/TA down additions (acid versus baking) soda crossed. I was thinking she needed to add soda to bring it down. I haven't had to adjust mine for so long I've forgotten what to do!

No, she has no need to futz with her pool so she'll just let it be.

That's intentional.

Poolmath is certainly capable of figuring how much acid it will take to lower TA X amount. The problem is, that much acid all at once will probably drive pH so low that it will etch plaster, dissolve the heater, and burn the eyes of anyone swimming. And for what? To adjust a number that is already okay? 170 is 90+, so it's in the suggested range.

If your new member friend just can't not be doing something to the chemistry, then follow this: Pool School - Lower Total Alkalinity
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