No maintenance for 6 days


Jul 5, 2018
Garland, TX
I have been checking my pool and adding 48-64 oz of 10% bleach daily. As needed, I add HCL and other chemicals to maintain the levels recommended by TFP. I will be on vacation for 6 days with no way to add any chemicals.
What do you suggest as the best way to handle this absence? Add a larger than normal amount of bleach when leaving and when I return, shock the pool, etc. I live in Dallas and the temperature is already in the nineties.

I appreciate any suggestions you may offer.

Thank you,

Jack M
Hi Jack,
this is the type of situation where pucks can actually be useful providing your CYA isnt borderline high. If you're only gonna be gone a week, load up a puck floater with several pucks and put it in the pool.

for every 3 ppm of FC a puck adds, it also adds 1.5 of CYA.

It wont do you much good to raise the FC much over whatever your recommended level is, because there is not enough CYA in the pool to protect it and it'll burn off fairly rapidly from UV.
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