Newbie, HELP!


May 14, 2017
Montreal Quebec
I've already posted about my pool opening, got my water crystal clear but can't hold chlorine.

The local pool store put me through hoops, but I think I believe them when they say that after everything, they think the cause is COPPER in the pool.
The old owners used a propane heater ...we now have a heat pump that was just installed last week. I used the metal remover they gave me (GAVE NOT SOLD) it was expensive but they feel bad at this point. After 48 hours I Did a backwash before starting shock to clean filter and get rid of metals/

Ive read pool school--Many times. The only parts I don't get are:

1) They say to maintain shock level until all 3 goals are reached...does that mean if I shock in evening, I still continue to add chlorine during day next day even with strong sunlight? It says min. twice a day but not sure how much to add?

2) My CYA level is always 0 according to pool store. They say it's not important...would putting pucks in my skimmer help maintain or increase CYA after shock?

3) ALSO very hard to find a good home test kit here in Canada, found AQUACHECK 7 way test strips online, would this be good to order?

Hello! Just remember that once metal (copper) is in the water - it's in. Sequestrant products only contain the metal to help keep it from precipitating out into the water to change the color or stain something. Then it starts to wear-off, so you have to add more sequestrant. The amount of effort is directly related to how much copper ended-up in the water. In some cases, it's easier to change-out some/all of the water.

Having said that, about your questions above:
1 - We SLAM 24/7 until all 3 criteria have passed (SLAM link below); PS ~ Don't forget to update your signature. :wink:
2 - CYA IS important, not only to protect FC from the sun but protect the pool and swimmers. You want a minimum CYA of 30 for an outdoor pool.
3 - You probably can't get the TF-100 shipped there, but you can check on a Taylor K-2006C from one of the following:
A place that sells Taylor test kits and reagents in Canada is “Water & Ice North America Inc” in Cambridge ON.
Commercial Swimming Pool Supply. They also have a branch in Nova Scotia. (902) 883-9120
Also try: Aquatech Logistics at Aquatic Pros by Aquatech Logistics 1-888-624-0919

Hope that helps.
Is the 7 way test strips good enough? I checked and it tests everything we discussed FC, CYA... and it ships here from what I see on

Like I said my pool is always Crystal clear and looks great--until I add something. Last night started the school process and it's Ocean blue this morning. I did add quite a bit though, will test soon.
We have found that the test strips are generally not accurate. A good, reliable drop-test product provides the best accuracy (i.e. Taylor K-2006C). I suspect the color of your water is changing because of the reaction between the eroded copper and chlorine. :( Not sure about your pool specifications (don't forget your signature), but keep in mind before you exhaust yourself that if that water continues to become a brilliant blue/green or even yellow hue, there's too much copper and some water will need to be changed.
Ok I will try to order the kit you are talking about, and if I can't I'll at least get the strips for now.

is there a way to post a picture of my pool so you can see the colour?
ive updated signature :)

How can. I safely change my water? It's a Vynil liner. Thx
To upload a picture, you should see a tool bar where you are typing, and a square with dots at each corner to "Insert Image". If that doesn't help, you can review the TFP Posting Photo's Tutorial page.

If you find that you have to change water, we recommend draining no lower than the lowest step, or about 12-18" from the bottom. Your pool is a good size (thanks for updating by the way), so even if you only drained enough to leave about 2-3 feet (or 60-70% of water) it could make a huge difference in removing much of that old copper. It's not perfect science at this point since we don't how much copper leached into the water, or what it's actual reading is. But the key is to exchange enough to keep the chemical reaction, hair color changes, and staining from happening.
That's a great pic, and I don't see any indications of copper at this point. Not bad at all. I'd leave it alone for now and just focus on trying the get the Taylor K-2006C so you can accurately SLAM and watch your chemical levels. That may be all you need!

Thats td what it looked like before shock...

- - - Updated - - -

I can't post another pic for some reason, but so you know it was crystal clear before slam process started.

i won't receive test kit for another 2 weeks!

so for now I guess I can do pool store test and keep adding chlorine?
so for now I guess I can do pool store test and keep adding chlorine?
Yeah, you're kind of stuck at the moment unless some locals in your area reply with a better idea for testing. If you can get a simple 6-way drop test at a local store that's better than the strips. Shouldn't be more than $6-$10 or so. Stick just to bleach though for adding chlorine - regular/plain bleach and nothing splashless or scented. My pool is about your size and I typically add about 1/2 gal per day when water temps are above 80. But my pool's CYA is at about 50 and I keep my FC around 6-7 right now. So use your good judgement and/or the Poolmath calculator to help you. Also watch your pH to ensure it never creeps over 7.8. Ideal would be in the mid-7s.

As for the pics, I'm not sure either. If you received a message about "exceeding your limit", it may be because you are not a TFP supporter (yet) :wink:/ If not, then it may be an upload glitch or formatting issue.

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I was also under the impression to NOT add chlorine (especially liquid) during the day...?
I've never heard of that one. You can add chlorine (aka bleach) at any time of the day. The most important factor is knowing your current (accurate) CYA. By knowing the CYA (stabilizer) you can then balance the correct amount of bleach as noted on the Chlorine/CYA Chart (link below). That's the key. :) During a SLAM, the FC is maintained as much as possible 24/7 by adding bleach until all 3 criteria have passed.
Here is my reading fro pool store :

Cya - 1ppm !!!!!!!
FC 2.16
TC 2.64
pH 7.3

What on earth is going on? Why can't I get Cya up it's always zero or 1!?

- - - Updated - - -

Wait oops my CYA is at 20 (they made a mistake it took a minute for it to come up)

What's next move?

- - - Updated - - -

Ok and sorry FC IS 1.86 and TC is also 1.86
This is going to sound very confusing , but we had to rerun the test four times at the store to be sure about the reading...finally my CYA is at 1 , and the rest is accurate.

I can't get it up.

I know you will say get a home test kit but they really don't have here, and it doesn't help my current situation at all...
I know
I know you're going to say get a home test kit but that doesn't help me right now.

I will add more chlorine for now and hope for he best.
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