New pool owner ... have already learned a ton here!

Jun 8, 2017
New Orleans, LA
Well, this isn't my first post on this forum -- I went straight to Water Chemistry :D

I've been reading threads here throughout the week, and finally joined the forum Wednesday. Great to be here. And thanks to long time forumites Tim, mknauss, and Richard for their advice given so far!


I guess after reading so much on the forum and in the Pool School articles ... I probably just know enough to be dangerous ;) But seriously, I've learned more here in a few days than I've learned from pool-owning family and friends over the years.

Practically everyone locally with a pool just throws in tri-chlor pucks and calls it a day. Testing the water? You mean running it to Leslie's? Oh, you mean testing it yourself :-? ? Well ... "you have to know what you're doing" (actual quote).

Thanks to this forum ... I will "know what I'm doing" before long :goodjob: