New Pool Can't Pass OCLT

Jun 14, 2017
North Padre Island
I have a five month old pool and I need some serious help. I started another thread about all this but I need some additional input over there from any of you kind folks here at TFP. Would some of you pros please take a look and provide any extra info that might help? Here's the summary.

- New pool's FC was very poorly managed by another until I noticed the black algae.
- I scrubbed away all the BA with elevated chlorine levels.
- I was still adding a gallon of 12.5% bleach to supplement my IC 20 running 24/7 at 100%.
- Upgraded to an IC 60 which should've been able to raise my FC overnight by 8ppm.
- At best it only ever raised FC by 4.
- Ran OCLT but couldn't pass.
- Began raising to SLAM level five days ago.
- Still can't pass OCLT.
I skimmed the other thread, you should really not add the bleach through the skimmer, but if there are people in it I can see why you would. Perhaps dilute it a little first.

I recommend you just stay with the process.
A SWG is made to hold FC in a normal pool. Algae can eat chlorine way faster than a SWG can make. You need to SLAM with bleach/liquid chlorine and check and adjust every hour, if possible, to SLAM levels.

One of the other experts said an IC60 should make 2lbs of chlorine a day or 16ppm in a 15000 gallon pool. And since the best I've ever gotten with my brand new IC 60 is 4ppm overnight, then something's using the chlorine and especially considering I can not pass OCLT.
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