Need a little help with another SLAM


Jun 2, 2015
North Andover, MA
about 4-5 weeks ago we opened to a swamp so started to SLAM. It was a slow process as we had to plug our skimmer due to a leak in the line and just filter with 1 intake and constantly run the aquabot. After a few weeks we finally removed all leaves and debri and the water cleared and we passed the OCLT so we let FC drift down and have been maintaining it at 3-5, but it seems a little cloudy this past week. The leak was fixed yesterday and the filter is up and running properly now. Even though I suspect the cloudy water is from pollen (there's also a yellow ring at waterline and cars are covered with it in neighborhood) I started another SLAM just to be on the safe side. Here were my numbers before I started:

FC 3
CC 0
PH 7.2
AK 80
CYA 30

My question is -if it's pollen that's making it cloudy, will it clear up when I SLAM?
Did you perform an OCLT before your SLAM to see if the SLAM was necessary? It seems to me if the cloudiness is simply coming from pollen then filtering is what will clear it. But if the pollen is enough that it caused your FC to drop too low enabling something to grow and give you cloudy water then the SLAM will help.
It could just be the pollen and it could be a CYA margin of error situation. Since the CYA test is +/- 15, you might have a CYA as high as 45, which would give you a min FC of 4. (and algae risk at 3) I suggest treating your min FC as 4 and your target as 4-8, but keep the shock from CYA 30 of FC 12 so even if it is really 30, it is still swim safe and liner safe.

I'd SLAM at 12 until clear. Whatever it is will eat FC, so might as well skim out what you can and oxidize what's left asap in my opinion.

Congrats on overcoming that leak setback and clearing your swamp. You're awesome!!!
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