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It seems to be clearing somewhat, it's about how it was this morning before I stirred it up (didn't see anything on the bottom but I was wrong). Tomorrow I'll give it a good vacuum to waste and see how it looks.

Water is still quite milky. I have a feeling getting rid of the solids will be the easy part.
An update in case anyone else finds this thread in the future.

My experience was with one box, so if you added more than that I'm not sure if this will apply, but it took about three days for the pool to clear.

You will want to use a combination of: filtering, skimming off the soap scum, and vacuuming to waste to remove the solid particles or granules however you want to look at them. Backwash the filter frequently; the granules are still dissolving and you don't want them to do that in the filter and release soap scum into the pool you'll have to remove later. Backwash after each turnover of the water. Eventually you will be left with cloudy water.

Then focus on using a skimmer sock to catch the scum from the top. You can also throw in a scumball or two.

Don't panic, the water will clear.
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