Leak in Liner


May 30, 2019
Knoxville, Tennessee
I am at a loss on this one... I have a 15', 48" Intex pool that has developed a leak. It leaks very quickly, and I would estimate the entire pool will empty in just 2 days. As the water is completely gone now, I have gone over the floor of the liner on my hands and knees and cannot find any holes. I know the leak has to be either on the floor or on the bottom area of the liner wall. I see no water leaking visibly anywhere on the walls, but I do notice water on the pavers outside the pool. Can anyone provide any advice on the best manner in which to locate the leak? Unfortunately, Intex (yes I know they suck, and I will never purchase one again) does not sell the replacement liner anymore, so I either need to find the leak or trash the pool.
Since the pool is empty, you might try raising it up a little on blocks and look underneath to see if there are any pinholes letting light through. If you don't see anything you could try adding about a 1/2 of water and see if you can find where it is leaking while up on blocks. I wouldn't add more water than that, as it could tear the liner. For it to leak so quickly it is either a drain plug issue or multiple leaks.
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