Kreepy Krauly Legend Doesn't Move


Active member
Nov 18, 2016
Frisco, TX

I have a Kreepy Krauly Legend a friend gave me that is practically brand new. It keeps just stopping in the middle of the pool doing nothing. Some times it runs and picks up debris and other times it just sits there like a dead duck. It appears sometimes the rear wheels are elevated and some times the hose is stuck under the unit too.

So, thinking it might be a pressure or wheel obstruction, I took it out of the pool, turned it on and the water is flowing just like it should. The front wheels are turning properly to move it..... turn it off. Throw it back in, turn it on, nothing. I live outside Dallas and we had a month of pollen and that junk is all over my pool floor with little chance of getting it out other than the long pole and basket.

The unit is practically brand new. Works some of the time. It's not like it gets stuck in a corner and the back up valve isn't moving it out, this happens in the middle of the pool. Trying to be as descriptive as head is gonna explode! :) (It's a sizeable noggin so look out.)

Any suggestions? And thank you. All the fine folk that help people out here are wonderful, you have helped me fix a few things and saved me bank.
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I also have this cleaner and have rebuilt most of it. If your backup valve is good then check for a firm contact between the drive gears and the inside front wheels to make sure they're not loose or stripped causing intermittent drive.
Remove the top of the cleaner and and remove the turbine cover and check for free movement of the turbine drive shaft. Make sure there is no debris or a bad bearing that is occasionally stopping it from spinning.
I recently replaced the turbine drive shaft with a non-Pentair replacement and had similar and frustrating symptoms you have. The replacement part and spacers were manufactured slightly off which caused the paddle wheel to occasionally get stuck going from backup mode to forward motion.
If you don't have the manual find it online. It has an exploded parts view and parts list which is very helpful.
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Awesome information, thank you!! I will get to it in the next few days and report back what I find.

I had a Polaris 280 for so long it was simple and I fixed everything on it. Assuming I just need to familiarize myself with this and get comfortable working on it.

Really appreciate your help!
OK, checked everything out as you suggested. It's all in very working order. (Like I said, it's almost brand new.)
Looking at it from behind, which directions do you have the little jet sprayers positioned? Wondering if that has something to do with it.

(That thing is built just like the Polaris 280. Very simple to work on. Thanks for encouraging me to get at it.)

ETA: Plugged it in, started running it and now it's zooming all over the pool properly.... Not sure what I did but whatever DJPool21 told me to do must have worked!!!
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TexasEllis, glad your Legend is working again. I also like how simple this vacuum is and easy to work on with availability of inexpensive parts. I'm not sure what you mean by little jet sprayers. My vacuum only has 1 thrust jet and is now set for dead center left-right and up-down which is the factory setting. I've adjusted it many times to try to stop it from going in circles and not covering the whole pool.
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