Keeping solar cover clean


Well-known member
May 6, 2018
I did a search and didn't seem to really find anything specific on this.

I use a cover every day as our area cools off a lot at night so it just seems to be a must unless you're running a heater.
Even with the cover I'm barely breaking 80F.

The cover is getting a bit dirty on top. My thoughts were to wash it off with the hose into the pool an hour or so before I vacuum the pool.

Is this a terrible idea?
I'm thinking it won't be bad as long as I keep on top of it and keep it fairly clean.
I would brush all the tree snot/pollen and leaves that fell to a spot that i could scoop most of it off. Free standing water after a rain was awful because the debris would turn to sludgy water. The last few spins of the reel would dump a few gallons of YUCK into the shallow end. It would disperse quickly and the filter always took care of it but it was so disappointing to see perfect water get crappy everytime we took the cover off.
I would brush all the tree snot/pollen and leaves that fell to a spot that i could scoop most of it off. Free standing water after a rain was awful because the debris would turn to sludgy water. The last few spins of the reel would dump a few gallons of YUCK into the shallow end. It would disperse quickly and the filter always took care of it but it was so disappointing to see perfect water get crappy everytime we took the cover off.

The issue I'm mainly having is what looks like dry dirt. Leaves, helicopters etc I usually get off, or catch them with a net if they fall into the pool as soon as I reel the cover up.
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