Just opened, chemistry readings coming soon - I'm gonna need some help. :)

This mornings readings:

FC: 4
CC: 0
TC: 4
pH: 7.6
TA: 120
CH: 80
CYA: <20
Salt: 400 ppm (using a strip)

So TA is a bit high, no CC (nice!), and CYA still a bit low. In the next week or so, water level will be dropped so pool coping can be installed, then more water added. Not sure if i should bother adjusting this now, and just wait till then. Overall, these don't seem bad.

I think I should add some salt though. I can't get a reading off the SWG since it's not running yet. But that seems low. If I recall, around 3000
ppm is the target (per builder).
I saw that on your site Dave. I think I'll go that route. My SwG reads it when running. How accurate is that?
my SWG read out has been with in 200ppm of what my local pool shop tested.
I see you have a heat pump, do not know if it is on. but just a note most SWG will not
work when the temperature is below 55 degrees or salt level is below 2100ppm.
Thanks. I'm pretty sure I need some salt.

I just retesting, and FC is back to almost nothing, maybe 0.5. I'm guessing my low CYA levels, and a day of full sunshine contributed to this. I'm heading out now to add bleach. I should probably get CYA right quick to help hold onto the chlorine until the SWG does it's thing...would you guys agree?

So the SWG is now running, and I'm getting a reading from it of 3100ppm. Seems like that's perfect. Is no salt lost over the winter? I suppose not. I just would have though the drain below the skimmers, and the top off from snow and rain would have lowered it a bit. I think I need to order that kit as a backup.
glad to hear the SWG is operating now, 3100 is very good. you might check your model as
some will not work above the 3400 mark, you do not want to over do it.
even though the SWG is working fine you still will need to add bleach most of the time
to shock the pool.
there are some SWG makers that say they can set their generator to shock the pool.

my 24400 gallon pool last year used about one 40 lbs bag of salt per month and
made it through to fall. nothing else was added except my full brushing from time to time.
Thanks. This SWG has a "super chlorinate" feature that boots chlorine for 24 hrs.

What's weird though, is I'm getting this reading (3000 right now) but the strips are so drastically off. They say I have about 700ppm right now. Nuts. I called Hayward and like we all know, strips are junk. He told me where, locally so I can do it quick, I can get my hands on the K1766 salt test kit, so I'm doing that tomorrow (totally would have ordered tftestkits but needed it asap). Hopefully my SWG is right.

In my manual too, it says you really should never have to add salt, unless you replace a lot of water. Do you know why you need to put a bag a month in?

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So after 24 hrs of having added CYA, these are my levels (CYA started creeping up, but is now back down):

Date: 4/22/14
FC 2
CC 0.5
TC 2.5
pH 7.5
TA 110
CH 80
CYA <20

I read in pool school and others have said that it can take a week for CYA to come up. I added 4 pounds yesterday morning. My instinct is to put more in now, but should I wait it out? TA is slowly dropping too, which is good. And FC is holding better now, so I know CYA is definitely there and helping.

Thanks. If FC is meauring at 2 though, should I add some bleach? The cause and effect of adding the CYA is not something I was able to clearly answer myself, in terms of keeping the FC up. My SWG is running and salt levels are reading 3000ppm. I'll test salt levels with the taylor drop test kit later today.
for chlorine dosing you should assume that the CYA that you added is already registering - I'm not sure of your water temp, but SWG need a certain temperature to start working ... I'm not sure what that is, but someone here with one can help you with that.
Did you add all of the CYA that the pool math calculator suggested for a SWG? Sorry, just reading back and it says you put in 4 lbs

You need to add bleach until your SWG can maintain your recommended levels of chlorine or you risk an algae bloom - The CYA helps to protect your chlorine - although at too high of a CYA can cause problems also.
It was hard to say, cause I couldn't tell what my reading was. I just know it was less than 20. So I thought I'd start with 4 lbs so I didn't risk going over. I do another FC test tonight and add bleach as needed.
at 55 degrees usually algae will not grow. so I would hold off adding any more bleach yet.
let your SWG add chlorine as it by itself will get ahead just fine. as for changes in FC and CC levels
I would patiently wait a bit for further FC testing, let the CYA adjust.

yes, if you added what the pool calculator said to for your pool, you may not need to do much more.
you should not need to test daily or weekly for salt, maybe once a month once established level is good.
just be patient.....

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