Just Curious on Chlorine Consumption


Feb 20, 2016
Seems as thought the pool is sucking down about .5-.75 gallons of 8% Chlorox every day... and I am wondering is the normal due to UV? PH does vary between 7.2-8.0 and add Muriatic Acid about twice a week. Thoughts??

PH 7.6
It can be. You could perform a OCLT to be sure it's not something else. Also is your CC less than 0.5? If it's neither of those and your pool is clear, you could bring your CYA up to 50. I just recently did that after losing 4ppm of FC a day. Now I'm at 3 a day.
That sounds kind of low to me.

I don't see your volume, so I can't work it out in ppm per day, but my pool is essentially 12X32 and it's 16000 gallons and I use a quart of 12.5% per day. Your pool is bigger and your bleach is weaker.

20K is what the builder said, I can always go back and look at the water bill for when filled. Pool is clean, clear and light chlorine smell. Will test the CC, and then try and raise CYA to see if I lose less Chlorine.
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