It's back....


TFP Expert
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Apr 16, 2007
Pool Size
Salt Water Generator
SWG Type
Jandy Aquapure 1400
Ooooooo.... n it's growing vegetation! :mrgreen:

Okay, it's not totally green but the pool hasn't been fed for atleast a month. I'm surpised it's not green soup right now but I have the famous *squalls* of algae on the bottom of the floor and up the walls. So, my numbers are as follow:

FC: 0
pH: 7.5 (I adjusted it yesterday)
TA: 70 (I adjusted it yesterday)
CYA: 50

BTW, it is a 24ftx48in above ground pool w/ DE filter.

So my game plan is to:
Scoop leaves from center of pool (done).
Test the water and make necesary adjustments (done).
Brush the walls and floor of pool (done).
Change DE in the filter (tonight, Tuesday).
Start shocking (tonight, Tuesday).
Go to brother's at 6am check over night loss (morning, Wednesday)
Continue nightly shocks until complete... (hoping to have it kicked by Friday...) :goodjob:

I could have started this the other day but my brother didn't have enough bleach. What he does have, would have been wasted if I put it in. He wanted to and I said no, it can wait. His wife (soon to be ex) hasn't taken care of it nor bought supplies for it. She left him yesterday and took everything in the house while he was working right down to the salt n pepper shakers. He wants to just close it and we're waiting on the pool cover she was suppose to order... :roll: (if she even did order it) He asked me to step up and take care of it while he works and goes to school. I will but man I feel for him.

I'll include pics soon since I know ya'all need you pic fixes! :mrgreen:
Picture of it after he put the deck on that she wanted *Oh so badly*. This was in June.

My husband and I were swimming in it with my brother over the 4th of July and it was still beautiful and then last week, he told us she has slacked off of it since. He said he was trying to sweep it and keep the leaves out. The baby wanted to swim and he was taking her and then it lost it's sparkliness. :rant:
Condition of pool after wife moved out.

Swept the pool with brush (this is very important).

I'm getting rid of these steps today. I like them because it offers a place for youngins to hang out but man it is an incubator for algae. I'm replacing it with a straight pool ladder I bought from Craig's List. I'll keep you guys updated on progress.
With that type of step system I wonder if someone could rig a system where a second return came off the pump and went to the side of the steps to push water through them to keep the circulation under them from going stagnant.
Ain't nothing like cc's hitting ya in the face so early in the morning!
Swept n brushed the pool. Also changed the DE out. It's looking good but not done yet.
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