

Well-known member
Aug 19, 2020
Toulouse, Franxe

Thanks for letting me join. I've been a pool owner for 18 years. Based in the south west of France.

Of those 18 years I've had not a single one that I regard as trouble free. Sad....

I have a magiline pool. Built in motor and skimmers attached to the return line (no suction lines from the skimmers). At the start of the season it's a good two months to get from quagmire to swimmable. And that's if I'm here rinsing the cartridges every two hours. A nightmare

Two years ago the pump failed so I decided to grasp the nettle and convert the pool to a standard pump and filtration system.

The road to h*** is paved with good intentions!

On the other side of the fence I'm a lawyer and spend most of my hobby time inventing and tinkering with micro electronics and repairing MacBooks.

I've currently got a mid term project to build and open source a complete pool management system (pump, chlorine generator, liquid chlorine/pH doser, ORP and pH sensors etc). Hoping to get that developed for October.

Thanks again
Of those 18 years I've had not a single one that I regard as trouble free. Sad....
As they say, Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Welcome, and you’ve found a heckuva place to help things go smoothly from here on out. :)