Intex SWG Runtime

Jul 7, 2015
I know I have read at least one post where this was discussed but can seem to find it. I was hoping someone could help me figure out how long to run my SWG. I am going to be away for a while and my husband doesn't do the chemical/testing part of the pool stuff, so I want to be sure I have everything set correctly before I go. Currently have the Intex SWG and Sand filter running 7 hours, late evening into the night. The pool will see at least an hour of action every afternoon, a couple of kids and my husband + 1 or 2 additional adults occasionally. We just got things up and going so I haven't had time to test different setups. I can have husband add a little liquid bleach after they swim if needed. TIA for your help. My equipment/pool size should show up in my signature.

Edited to add** I don't know how to figure how much Chlorine is being generated, can someone help me with figuring that out? and Should I run the SWG for a longer period of time and/or at a different time of day to keep my FC levels where they should be?
If running 7 hours is keeping th FC at target for your CYA, [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA], now then you could increase it an hour to be on the safe side. It is safs to swim up to shock level for your CYA, [FC/CYA][/FC/CYA]. A calculation will only get you in the ballpark anyway, it is still different for each pool. A little extra FC is a whole lot better than too little. Especially if hubby can't do an occasional FC test to be sure.

The owners manual should say how many lbs of chlorine gas it can produce per day. Plug that into PoolMath effects of adding chemicals down below and that will tell you how many PPM that is for your pool gallons, divide by 24 and that is how many PPM per hour.

Here is the calculator, SWG Run Time Calculator
Thank you for the SWG Calculator, that's exactly what I was looking for, don't know how I missed that with as much time as I've spent lurking. lol

It's not so much can't as won't, he's of the mindset "We have the SWG so we don't have to do anything to the pool" Several people have told him that, so he doesn't understand why I'm always testing and adding stuff, but if I tell him he has to add a whatever amount of LC after they swim or else:)rant:) he'll do it to avoid the or else:)lol:) I don't want to come home to a mess.

I'll do some figuring on the calculator and come up with a plan. Thank you!
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